When I was little, I used to sleep on my Auntie Nita’s cat, Nel. Somewhere along the way, I became terribly allergic to cats!!! Also, now I’m always afraid they will scratch me! Cat owners seem to to often have little scratches all over their hands, and I am not a fan! I am definitely a dog person fo’ life. They are higher maintenance, but I know where there claws are at…
Anyway, today, I am wearing my new kitty necklace from I’m Your Present. My Auntie Vivi in Hong Kong has like 8 cats, and that is where I fell in love with FLAT FACED KITTIES!! I have begged Manda to get one, but she things they are ug. Sad. I <3 the flat face. But if I lived with a cat, both Hairy and I would die of facial snot explosions.
(2nd one is Kelly’s photo)
Also, here is a page from my notebook from when I was trying to figure out how I would decorate the robot coffee cup cozie!
I have to do a TON of drawing this weekend for lots of secret stuff!!
(Okay, upon further thought, I feel the need to point out that I don’t trust all dogs. That’s just silly. There are evil/mis-treated ones as well, and they can totally effing maul you. Espesh the off-leash pitbull who was roaming an Oakland neighborhood street and kept barking and pacing along the sidewalk we were walking on. That was scary. I’m just saying, my pets are dogs. That’s all! I know there are nice cats, too. Okay, bye.)