New People Artist Village Info!!!


So basically, there is an art show opening, and a bunch of crafty vendors will be piggybacking the opening in the form of the New People Artist Village, so if you go, you’ll get to see some cool art, and maybe do some cool shopping with us! Looks like you need to RSVP if you want to come to the preview night on Friday! You can sign up in the lower right corner of the New People home page. The only other Artist Village vendor I know is Shrinkle. Come visit us and we’ll talk about our big heads.

The vendor list with pics and bios can be found HERE!

Hope to see you Nov. 20-21st!


Saturday, November 21st – January 17th
at SUPERFROG Gallery

TOKYO CREATORS MARKET: SUPERFROG Gallery presents an exhibit of the works of seven unique artists from Japan distinctive in their mastery and originality. These creations come in many dimensions and reach ambitious heights of expression.

Get invited to the private opening party!
Sign up to receive the NEW PEOPLE newsletter ASAP and get invited to the private party on Friday, November 20th 6pm – 8pm and meet the artists from Tokyo! NEW PEOPLE ARTIST VILLAGE will also have its sneak peak on that night! Its an all-floor event! sign up into the email slot on our homepage (bottom-right) !

NEW PEOPLE ARTIST VILLAGE: Starting the holiday off in festival
fashion, NEW PEOPLE and Bazaar Bizarre SF create an all-day, all-floor vertical art village. Come join the shopping fun! Information is available on our event flyer.

A New Store is Born!
A new shop for NEW PEOPLE! Art makes us grow our imagination, our creativity, our wisdom. Enjoy a stroll in our new GARDEN of art gifts and enjoy the bounty! GRAND OPENING! Also on November 21st, we open TOKYO CREATORS GARDEN accompanying our TOKYO CREATORS MARKET exhibition. The new store is located on the 2F of NEW PEOPLE.

TOKYO CREATORS MARKET Artists Introduction:

Junko Mizuno
Kim Songhe
Mikito Ozeki

6 Comments on “New People Artist Village Info!!!”

  • Polina


    “all the goodies for all you fashion foodies” WIN.

    I still want to buy a scarf, but I still have myself on a budget. DEBT FREE 2010. House Ownership 2011. Although food is a necessity, and logically a food scarf falls into that category?

  • Shrinkle


    Oh my god. Jen wants me to bring a measuring tape on Friday so we can see whose head is actually bigger. I think yours might be. But you’re lucky because your face is big too so the proportions are perfect.

    • You know what. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve measured my head due to scientific curiosity….

      I think mine is kinda flat in the back though. If you have a perfectly round skull, you are going to win!

  • lyan :)


    love youre blog 🙂

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