We went to Whole Foods the other day so Hairy could make a really yum-tastic salad with pomelos and long beans and lettuce and cabbage and a dressing made with fish sauce. I saw these teeny tiny baby tomatoes and I HAD TO HAVE THEM.
I am not usually a fan of raw tomatoes. I only like them cooked or in sauces. But these guys were not only ADORABLE but also DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!! Nice and tart and snappity.
Today I sent a 1st batch of sample scarves and patterns to my publisher. I have lots of 80% finished scarves here, so I sent her the stuff that was 100%. I tweaked MOST of my patterns (which kinda took forever) to make them more easily explainable in a pattern, and I also tried to use more yarns that are readily available (i.e. ya don’t necessarily have to order them online like I do!), without skimping on style of course!
I don’t have to take the final photos until after their pattern-tester tests everything, but I wanted to stick in some photos as place holders so she could see. I’m putting the photos I took today behind a cut, because, there’s nothing new that you haven’t seen before!