Re-freshed my hair color, took the dogs to my parents’, and now packing like mad. I would like to get into L.A. before 3 a.m. but perhaps this is a pipe dream!! Hairy wants to go to Canter’s as soon as we arrive. He is cray cray!!!
Hopefully I will have lots of fun pics of the weekend. Let’s hope it’s not too devastatingly HOT! We are going to Disneyland on Saturday, and probably bumming around LA/Hollywood on Sunday. And hopefully having lunch with Renee on Monday. Seeing a good handful of old and new friends!
Here is a quick sketch of a felted cake clutch I am going to try to make for you guys. I need to re-fill my Etsy shop SOON!!! That’s next week’s goal!!

Corn Dogs & Funnel Cakes,