Fun Stuff Round Up!

1. Polka dot Bib Dress by BonjourPierre on Etsy.
2. Amazing Tree Bed by Shawn Lovelle Metalworks.
3. iKaraoke!
4. Goblin Hood Dress by Malam on Etsy.
5. Reconstructed Striped Dress by heidiandseek on Etsy.
6. Cat Messenger Bag by decora on Etsy.
7. green Mazeppa top by Dainty June at All Mighty.
8. Birdhouse Trio bry Frippelous on Lollishops.

4 Comments on “Fun Stuff Round Up!”

  • Concertina


    I neeeeed that iKaraoke…

    • I am intrigued, but would probably never use it….it’s cool, tho!

  • jules chan


    Uhmm, not sure about the tree bed, imagine waking up and thinking your in the movie, Evil Dead!!!

    • I think that would be Hairy’s dream come true!!

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