This is what I wake up to sometimes: Bibi in bed next to me, with her head on the other pillow. I find this so endearing, every time!!!!!
Today Manda and I had lunch at El Farrolito in the Mission, then Safeway to buy tissue boxes for cozies, then to Office Depot to a new printer cartridge, and then to Fabric Discount where I bought heart buttons for cute-tility pack noses!! I was complaining to Manda about how expensive my printer ink refills are (I have a photo printer, it was a present), and she suggested maybe buying a different printer with cheaper ink for my every day printing. I thought this was brilliant. We saw an HP printer/scanner at Office Depot for $80, with ink cartridges for under $20. I’m very interested, but Hairy also wants to research more on Amazon.
This weekend is bat mitzvahs and family bbqs!