Hairy was buying deoderant at Target yesterday, and I couldn’t believe the amazing packaging and NAMES for the ladies’ deoderant. SEXY INTRIGUE really took the cake for me. When I think about my armpits, I totally think about how sexy and intriguing their odor could be.
I also felt compelled to take a pic of this Corn & Callus remover.
It’s just amazing and I can’t really explain why. It’s like I imagine it being in some dude’s sexy-time kit, so that he can whip it out and ask his date if she’d like a private pedicure and corn-removal sesh.
On a more REAL note, I did buy the Biore Dual Fusion moisturizer with SPF.
I fell for the ploy wherein they say this is for “transition” skin, skin that is neither teenaged nor old-aged. That’s me, right? I needed a new moisturizer with SPF anyway, so I picked this up.
I gotta tell you, the DUAL part of dual fusion is unattainable as only the green stripe is coming out of the pump. NO matter how many times I tap the bottle against a hard surface, I can’t get the white stripe to come out. BOOOOOOUURRRNNSSS!!!
I did slather my face in green “greaseless moisturizing” goo, and I have to say, it did feel quite nice, and I like the smell.
If only I can get the SPF to come out.