Craft Hazards!!!!

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I burnt my finger on my craft iron for the first time:

It was slipping out of my hand and then I grabbed it with my left hand and ended up holding the hot part! ZING!

My third and fourth finger now feel really stingy & the surface of the skin feels hard.

Good one!

Hawt laydeez!

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I know. It’s shameless.

(dress from, necklace from, bandanna from a random piece of fabric that covered our new comforter, sunglasses from eBay)

Sugar Booger

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It didn’t turn out as over-the-top as I had planned due to some engineering problems…but I loved the way it turned out anyway, and I am so eager to add to the collection! This has also sparked some fun little side projects, like a little booklet I think I might make at home for sale…..wheee!

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This is a scarf I made for my cousin. When we went to visit him in the ‘Couv last fall, we went to a craft fair where we saw $70 knitted neckwarmers/scarflets. Vic wanted one but I told him we could visit a yarn store and that I’d knit him one. He’s in Hong Kong now and probably doesn’t require on in the sweltering heat, but he is a sweetheart and said he was cranking up the air con in his apartment to wear it :).

I also just found this:

We are fancy doggie parents!

The top section was a doggie dinner. Basically Bibi and Bunny eat 1/2 Honest Kitchen dehydrated raw food mix, and 1/2 frozen Nature’s Variety meat mix. Then we’ll switch him any additional goodies. Pictured are raw egg with shell, raw chicken drumstick for Bibi and wing for Bunny, and Hairy threw some parsley on top because Bunny has baby dragon breath!!!

On the bottom section, we have our highly organized doggie treats corner. I am a naturally UNorganized person, so I was realy proud of this! Haha.
From left to right: grain free doggie treats, dried chicken breast with mint and parsley for breath, bully sticks, and in the smallest container: freeze dried liver treats and freeze dried green trip patties.


1st trip to Chicago!

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Hairy and I are off to Chicago tomorrow early morning to visit my piece in the Sugarcraft show ( and to also visit another Plushy show opening the same night. We are also going to eat at Moto, which Hairy is real jazzed about.

Back Saturday night!!!

Bibi is at my mom’s and Bunny is at the Wag Hotel. I miss my babies already.

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