Good Mail Day!

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Yesterday I received two fun packages in the mail.

1) Yarn from Barbe

She generously donated this to a scarflet I will be making for a charity eBay auction together with a group called Boutique Angels. I will let you all know when that is up. I believe the charity we are donating to is Children of Fallen Soldiers. The auctions start in early November, and they hold charity auctions every quarter and vote on a different charity and theme each time. The theme for this November is Friendship Warms the Heart, with the idea that everyone would team up with a pal to create something.

2) Random package from Cousin Vic!

He is a sweetheart. His n Hers magnetic ice cream pens!!!!

Knee deep in work. Just say hi to The Bibi!

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No bells n whistles. Just Bibi!

Almost done with my big order (big for me). YAY! And then to some quick Halloween surprises for the shop! Trying hard to get better at time management and personal production deadlines.

This Saturday was entirely eaten up by fleas, unfortunately. At least the house is really clean :P.

Laptops and Leggings and Pears… oh my!

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I’m truly a t-shirt and jeans girl. It’s comfy. It’s practical. It’s easy.

But today was a rare day I decided to sport a jumper and leggings. Documented! Last night, Hairy mentioned the term “WIWT” which isn’t fully in my vocabulary, so I guess this is a WIWT post.

Shoes: (Demonias)
My Trusty Necklace:

Also documented: the messy state of the coffeetable/workspace today.

Tonight, I believe, we are eating hot pot and frozen yogurt. Yums!

Hoo Hoo!

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Oh yeah! I kept forgetting to post a pic of the wedding present I got for my bro and his lady. Bro greenlit this present, even though he probably won’t get any mileage out of it…

Yes, it’s true. I don’t really like to make animal-themed stuff as a regular rule, but I do make them sometimes for special occasions!

Also, here is one of the first photos I took of myself with my new light kit!

I’d be pretty jazzed if I could get all of them to come out this clean. I still don’t know much about the technical aspects lighting and photography, so sometimes I just cross my fingers and hold my breath!!

This was taken for, along with a bunch of other photos that I just sent to her for the site.

Sleeping In.

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Sometimes I like to marvel at how sucky my drawing skills are, but it’s still very helpful to me as I lay out new projects and make certain decisions.

We went to Whole Foods the other night to buy vitamins and supplements for the dogs (haha and not for us!) and I also got a box of these:

At first I wasn’t sure about them, but now I can’t stop eating them! The green tea flavor is very subtle, so don’t be afraid. I’ve almost eaten the whole box!

On Saturday night, Hairy and I went to Cabaret Lunatique not knowing what to expect. We ate a delightful cheese plate, had a drink, and enjoyed the show.

Even though I am not a super burlesque/vaudeville kinda gal, I did think it was a good amount of entertainment for $20. I told Hairy that of all the people we knew, that we were kinda the last people to end up at a show like this, and the he said it was like a Nick and Norah moment, and that we should just pretend we ended up there on accident.

Also our light kit arrived, and Hairy has been experimenting with them. I have been a bit lazy/unmotivated/intimidated about playing with them myself, but I plan to during the week. We got continuous fluorescent lighting, which I know sounds kind of weird, but there were many factors about it that I liked, so I hope it doesn’t turn out too weird lookin!

I woke up rather late both on Saturday and today, and then I get depressed about wasting the day, so I hope this week revs up a bit! I have a lot of fun stuff planned. A Halloween surprise, a Thanksgiving surprise, and other random new things.

‘Kay, back to eating cookies and making cupcake scarves! xx

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