“I wish we could stay like this….”
| 6 Comments on “I wish we could stay like this….”Music from All My Children + Me + Bibi = <3<3<3
WIWT & New Cookie Brooches!
| 6 Comments on WIWT & New Cookie Brooches!
I bought these beads YEARS ago and never took the time to do anything with them. I finally started using them on my Pink Pastry Weepuls, but I was excited to put them on a sugar cookie brooch! The hand-sewing kind of took forever but was very mind-numbing and relaxing! I wish I could rock them on a scarf, but that would be WAY too scratchy. Anyway, I put this brooch and 4 other heart-shaped sugar cookie pins up on My Etsy shop a few minutes ago.
I also wanted to share this sweet bag with you! I picked it up when we went to the Loyal Army sample sale.

I haven’t worn it out yet because I’m lazy about switching out purses, but it’s really roomy and I can shove all kinds of crochet work in there, too! I love it!
I kind of got tsk-tskd by my licensing agent when I met with him for coffee the other day because I was full on loaded up with Loyal Army gear. I am not in the mindset yet to see a brand like that as a competitor to me because….they have a store and a kajillion fans and what not, but then I got scared that I was a walking billboard for another brand. Is that bad?
What are your thoughts on wearing your own brand? I know that band dudes don’t like to wear their own band tees, but what about wearing your own handmade? Your own screenprinted tees? Totally un-cool, or totally smart advertising? Discuss!
Fun Stuff Round Up!
| 8 Comments on Fun Stuff Round Up!
Okay, I took forever to put this up, but I’m doing it anyway!
1) Kara’s Cupcakes – One thing that seems to shock people is that I don’t usually love to eat frosting! I find it often too sweet and sugary and I just wipe it off cake or cupcakes. But Kara’s Cupcakes are actually really tasty. There’s still a smidge too much frosting on there for me, but it’s really creamy! I tried the Lemony Lemon (thumbs up!) and the Peanut Butter Chocolate (on different days….).
2) This little dress sold by YeYe on Etsy.com is so cute!!! But it’s too small for me!
3) Irregular Choice – Um, sorry this link says out of stock now. Looks like I was too late in posting! But these were the most awesome little cherry shoes!
4) Sweet little floral jumper by Necessity is the Mother on Etsy.com! She has some other neat stuff, too. Check it out!
5) Twiggy Tunic by JAlvo on Etsy. Ok, this one is sold out, but she has one in blue i her shop. I don’t care for wearing white myself, but I loved the cut!
6) I’m pretty sure that most of you have already seen the Condom Animals clip, but just in case, have a gander at balloon animals going at it!
7) Cupcake Tote by Beanbun on Etsy. NOM NOM.
8) Lastly, as the Oscar’s are coming around the corner, take a moment to go see MILK. There is a lot of hubbub about Slumdog Millionaire, which was also good, but I thought MILK was a great little gem that deserves some attention!
Valentine Etsy Shop Update!
| 2 Comments on Valentine Etsy Shop Update!If you didn’t get a chance to nab goodies on eBay, come check out the last of my V-Day items on Etsy! Free upgrade to Priority Shipping within the US!
Pics from the Charity Ball!
| 11 Comments on Pics from the Charity Ball!
Hairy and I attended my boss’ (or ex-boss’?) annual Valentine’s Day charity event to benefit the Stanford Cancer Center. This year’s theme seemed to be Disney/Fairy Tales, and her front gate turned into a castle, and her drive way was lined with giant fake lollipops!!

By the front door, there was Cinderella’s carriage and it lit up!

Inside was a Little Mermaid room and a naked lady ice statue whose boobies squirted out alcohol, a Princess Room where you could dress your own prince and take pics with these muscley men (but all the ladies apparently just left them in their boxers to take pictures), and the tent outside had a band and a giant fake tree like at Disneyland, and a ton of food and a dance floor. We didn’t take pics of everything, but I did get this snap of a dessert table!

Hairy tried to get a pic of us:

And finally, Hairy took a video clip, but it was kind dark in there so it’s hard to see much!