A Tour of My Craft Room with Cut Out + Keep!

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Screen Shot 2013-08-01 at 4.50.16 PMCat from one of my favorite craft sites,  Cut Out + Keep, asked me some questions about my craft room and how I organize stuff. Check out more photos and our Q&A here!

T-shirt DIY with Ice Cream & Sunnies Tee! (Part One!)

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Have I got a treat for you! Our buddy Selina from SZMOON.net has whipped up some majorly awesome DIY’s with Yummy You’s Ice Cream & Sunnies Tshirt!

Here’s the first one!!! So cute, right!?


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Renegade Craft Fair – San Francisco – 2013!

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Renegade01Wow, what a weekend! We vended at Renegade Craft Fair in Fort Mason on Saturday and Sunday, and it was quite the whirlwind! A lot of people were really complimentary about the booth and the stuff in the booth, and that was super nice.

Renegade1On the first day, Tiffany Star helped me out in the booth, and it’s always fun to have girlfriend time while you’re working a show. I kept forgetting to force her to take a picture with me, though. DOH. Luckily I found one on Instagram. HAHHA. (Instagram photos are at the bottom of this entry.)

Renegade2In case you hadn’t been following along, I was going for a Carnival theme for my booth, and I tried to incorporate some new products to match that theme, like corn dog pen cozies, cotton candy pen cozies, soft pretzel brooches, and snow cone hair clips.






I get really worked up and sleep-deprived over each craft fair, and sometimes I wonder if they are bad for my health! But this fair also reminded me of all the new and old friends I get to see, and that’s really what makes the whole thing so fun.



Here’s a blurry pic I stole from Mali who has been visiting my booth for years!

Renegade10Here’s a collage of photos from Instagram. Top left: me and Susan from ModCloth.  Isn’t she the cutest pixie ever? Top right: stole this pic from Zambi. I told her to take a pic WITH me, but I was denied! :P.  Middle left: There’s me and Tiffany. I think what’s happening here is, whenever people asked, “Is it ok if I take a picture?” I never knew if they meant the booth, or also me/us in the booth, so usually, I wouldn’t look at the camera or try to look a certain way, in case they were just taking a picture of a pizza hair clip or something. Then, you get pics like this where we are kinda like MEEHHHHHRRRRRRRR….   Middle right: There’s the adorable Ahoy Miss in the Ice Cream Scoop scarf I just designed! The last two pics are me and Danielle/Ahoy Miss being goofy.  Do you like our dresses? They are by Sourpuss, and you’ll be seeing a lot more of them soon….

I was going to post a video, too, but I didn’t get very good video of my booth, and I didn’t really record anything overly interesting. There’s just this one clip of when we threw Danielle and Jose in the back of our Uhaul van….

And for those of you familiar with how I do: I will be posting a Leftovers Sale on Etshy with craft-fair-pricing on some items as soon as I can. The sale usually lasts a week. I’ll try to take photos and get them up by the end of this week, but I also have a new Michaels.com pattern to bang out as well!


Countdown to Renegade Craft Fair: Instagram Photos

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So, I am kind of realizing I don’t have THAT much STUFF for my tables at Renegade. I went over to my parents’ house tonight, so my mom could help me sew clothing labels onto things, and the number of scarves I have is… paltry. Well, okay, I have a lot of non-scarf items, just not a lot of scarf items…. Soooooo I started making a pickle scarf!! We’ll see if I have time to finish it.

Anyhoo, here are some sneaks that I’ve been posting on Instagram!

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Screen shot 2013-07-25 at 1.55.44 AMAlso, don’t forget to check out this super-cute stop-motion animation featuring one of my new crocheted corn dogs!

It’s a “Dog Eat CornDog” World! (corn dog video!)

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Check out the neat stop-motion promo video my buddy Justin made, starring: a corn dog pen cozy!!! It’s a cautionary tale about why you shouldn’t leave your corn dog pen cozy unattended….  Music by my always-favorite Twink, the Toy Piano Band. Can’t wait to debut these little guys at Renegade Craft Fair this weekend!

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