Renegade Craft Fair – Spring 2017 Re-cap!

I know this blog entry is about 2 months late, but my new job has definitely been keeping me busy AND tired!

I wanted to show you guys what my booth at Renegade Craft Fair looked like this past July, in case you don’t follow me on Instagram where I tend to post a bit more frequently. I did something really new and different and devoted my entire booth to a cactus theme! This also meant that every item I had in the booth was brand new and freshly designed.

This is the booth sketch I made to help me plan everything first.

I planned to re-use my sneeze guard from Renegade Spring 2016 and turn it into a little green house for baby cacti. Then, Manda helped me make cactus scarf/hat stands out of foam core. Here is the booth in real life!


It was kind of hard to get a good photo since we were backlit by windows and we didn’t have much of a visual separator between us and our neighbors, but I think you get the gist.

Here’s a close-up of the cactus stands with hats and scarves.

The foam cactus on the table was our display for little hair clips. Also shown here are cactus pen cozies and cactus coffee cup cozies

Close-up of the pen cozies!

Potted cacti! I bought some cute cups, bowls, and plant pots from Daiso. I have a really strong memory of crocheting these on a twin bed in my “guest room” while taking care of Bibi when she was sick.Here’s me and Manda in the booth. I bought some super cheap aprons on Amazon, and Manda sewed on some ribbon trim to make us look like cactus ladies. We’re both wearing the cactus ball hair clips in our hair.Close-up of Manda in a cactus hat.

Here’s us getting a little punchy late in the day.


On the second day of the show, Manda had to attend an event for a co-worker, and when she came back in the afternoon, she brought thermoses filled with MARGARITAS. We snuck behind our desert backdrop to sneak a chug.

Hope you enjoyed this tour of the booth! I planned to take a better camera to capture better photos, but, if you’ve ever vended at a fair, you know it can be chaos for prep, and the big camera never made it into my bag. I’m really happy with how it all came together, though.

I have some behind-the-scenes footage of us making the cactus hat/scarf stands, and YES, I will be posting extra cactus stock to my Etsy shop, and YES, I do plan to prep all the cactus items to turn into patterns also for my Etsy shop. The thing with the patterns is that in order to take how-to photos, I need time to re-make samples for each piece. So that may take a while, unfortunately. Just know that it’s on my t0-do list as I continually figure out how to organize my time now that I work full-time. <3 u guys!

10 Comments on “Renegade Craft Fair – Spring 2017 Re-cap!”

  • Michelle Waite


    Beautiful! And so creative! I love what you have done for cactus! You really make crochet so much fun. I am so glad to be able to enjoy your creative genius!

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you for the very kind words, Michelle!

  • Lisa


    Your stall looks so great! I really love the little cactus hair clips; I have green hair so if I wear one of those, I’ll look like a real moon cactus ^____^

    • TwinkieChan


      SOooo Cute!! I must admit, those were not very popular at the booth. I think it was hard to get what they were…… I’ll be curious about how they do online once I get a chance to edit all my photos!

  • wooly brain


    Looks awesome you should be proud of yourself and Manda in cactus hat looks super cute!!! The cactus stands look very interesting : ) Thanks for sharing your creativity <3

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you so much! <3

  • Amy


    What a creative booth setup, and those are such fun goodies you stocked it with.

    Congrats on the new job! What are you working on these days? I hope it’s something interesting and rewarding (in every sense of the word).

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you! I’m the social media manager for a clothing/lifestyle brand. It’s definitely interesting…!

  • Janine


    Dearest Twinkie do you sell any patterns of your cactus products seen in your booth? You are my favourite crafter. Thank you for your lovely blog.

  • Erica


    Wonderful! I’m obsessed with crocheted cacti right now. You’re an inspiration!

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