August Blog Sponsor Giveaway!

AugustGiveaway2016It’s…… SUPERFUNPRESENTTIME aka my monthly blog sponsor giveaway! August is my birthday month, so I’m also throwing in some extra goodies from my craft room! Thanks to my amazing blog sponsors for generously offering their prizes. P.S. I’m about to change to a different company to handle my blog ads, and if anyone has suggestions (looks like Adproval might be the way to go) I’m all ears! PLUS, are you guys still into the giveaways? I don’t want to bug you guys if you aren’t into them, but just let me know! Would love your feedback as I make this transition! Let’s check out what ONE lucky winner will win this month!

1. A gorgeous wanderlust brooch from JublyUmph!

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2.  A cute little mixtape plush from Nellie Le! This lil guy is a little sad that Summer is almost over. Last chance to soak up all the sweet Summer Jams! Also, if you’re in the LA area, Nelile will be at Unique LA’s Fall Market September 10–11 and will be releasing a bunch of new stuff for Fall!
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3.  Two cute pairs of earrings from Oh Boy Love It: Hamburger and Pizza that are made with LOVE! They are also available for purchase in her online shop.

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4. A $20 gift certificate to Knit Kritters! She offers finished crochet/knit goods as well as pattterns!

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5. A glitter bow enamel pin from Unicorn Crafts!

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6. A goodie basket from me! A DIY mini donut kit, some Japanese paper craft kits (cake and sushi), a skein of pink pompom yarn, an old school pizza pin set, one of my crocheted petit four ring boxes, and a chocolate donut squishy keychain!

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Just use the Rafflecopter widget below for all your chances to win!

Giveaway is open worldwide, for ages 18 & over, and will run for a week until Wednesday night, August 24th at midnight PDT. Winner will be chosen randomly via Rafflecopter/, and winner must reply to my email within 24 hours, or I will randomly choose a new winner. No purchase necessary. If you live outside of the United States, please note that while my blog sponsors will cover the cost of the item and the shipping, any customs or duty will still be your responsibility. Good luck! Please make sure my email address can get through your spam filters! I will only be contacting winners via email:

P.S. NO giveaway accounts! Thank you! A giveaway account is a social media account that you use solely for giveaways.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

131 Comments on “August Blog Sponsor Giveaway!”

  • Kathleen


    I absolutely love your patterns, and the giveaways are amazing!

  • Angela


    Cutest crochet patterns eva!

  • Pauline


    I originally came to your blog to check out your awesome free patterns after I ran across your free cupcake (potholder?) pattern in a Michael’s store. Love at first “site” lol!

    I enjoy checking out your patterns. I’m (slowly) trying to work through them. My daughter’s room has some awesome twinkle chan pillows! She sleeps with them EVERY day.
    I wanted to say that I also enjoy reading about what life is like for you outside of crocheting. Like about your dog, when you moved, travelling, etc. Not like a “stalker-iffic” thing lol!

    By the way: my first project was your ice cream pillow, which I made for my daughter’s 8th birthday.
    She just turned 10 today! So I REALLY hope I win!

  • Brenna


    I came for the patterns, but keep coming back for all the things.

  • Leanne Hiebert


    Love the fun patterns!

  • Kelly


    Hey Twinkie! I was introduced to your crochet awesomeness through Yarn Crush. I have made two pairs of those fingerless gloves so far. Love your stuff. Can’t wait to try something new!

  • Y


    I love your fun website and all your creative goodness and yummy-ness!

  • Elizabeth


    I love your patterns and like seeing the new things you make!

  • Virginia


    This is my first time here and I love the fun patterns

    • TwinkieChan


      Ah, welcome!

  • Rachel


    I love the fun and cute patterns you do!

  • Nicole Acuna


    I adore the patterns! So cute!!!

  • Heidi V


    I came for the patterns and still love them, but I also love hearing about your every day life too:)

  • Lisa Richardson


    love seeing all the fabulous things on your page! xox

  • Sabrina Joy


    Your patterns were what brought me here in the first place! I saw a small poster of one of your patterns at Michaels once and here I am!

  • Sabrina Joy


    Your patterns were what brought me here in the first place! I saw a small poster of one of your patterns at Michaels once and here I am!

  • Lisa


    Love all your fun patterns! Thank you for the 24 hour give away! Can’t wait to make it!

  • Cecilia


    I love your work and how creative and fun you are. It’s really impossible not to come back. Your patterns are just beautiful.

  • Amy Bindel


    Thanks for the fun patterns and the great giveaways. You’re always one of my favorite makers!

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw thanks, Amy!

  • Amara


    Fun prizes for the end of summer!

  • Kimberly


    I love coming to your site for inspiration. As a person who puts googly eyes on everything, I feel that your crocheting is my creative soulmate. I would love to win this goody bag!

  • Jesscah


    Why wouldn’t people like the giveaways!? These are awesome!

    • TwinkieChan


      MMMM sometimes I just sorta feel like a broken record when I’m like OH HEY TIME TO ENTER THE GIVEAWAY AGAIN!! hehe , I’m just weird that way.

  • Chrissy


    This is so awesome! Thank you!!

  • Chrissy Cupcake


    I can’t even remember how long I’ve been following you on various social media and reading your blog.. And I have no idea how I found you — its been that long! Probably at least 8 years. I don’t even crochet (I knit), so it wasn’t that.. I think I’ve honestly just always been amazed by you as a person, and inspired by the things I’ve learned from you: that you don’t have to stop being adorable as you get older, and that it’s never too late to break away from your life and follow your dream. Here’s to many more years of cyber-stalking! Lol

  • Jolene Hurtte


    I love the giveaways, your patterns and your style! You and I are about the same age and you inspire me. I have a Chronic Illness and no matter how I’m feeling I can look through your blog or Facebook and it will put a smile on my face.

  • Marys krafty kreations


    Love your work

  • Esther Lallemand


    Came across your site searching for foodies crochet patterns and BAM The Amazing Twinkie Chan !! So I started with some of your free patterns, and then became an addict and bought your 2 books… I love your youtube videos (miss them a lot !) The giveaway are amazing !! Thanks !! ❤❤❤

  • Sarah


    Absolutely awesome giveaway. I can’t think of anything that I’m not interested in! ❤️

  • crystal clifford


    i started to self teach myself to crochet and stumbled upon your blog in the process about 8 years ago. i just love seeing the random food themed stuff and the creativity of it all in general. you do a great job.

  • Bobbi Jo


    I love all of your cute patterns. You are upfront with the skill level needed to make them too unlike some other sites I’ve visited.

  • Sarah


    I love your giveaways and patterns:)

  • Marina


    My first time entering one of your giveaways! I’ve been in love with your crocheted good and patterns ever since I read your food crochet pattern book! I used it to make the pizza scarf ^^

  • Virginia Contreras


    Your amazing tutorials

  • Deb Ward


    Love your work…since seeing it in a magazine…i got my textile students to study you as a contemporary textile designer when i was a teacher…now i run my own label …still love your stuff. .i.want a donut to lie in…aahhh heaven! Love Deb @ Geek Boutique #geekboutiqueuk @geekboutiqueuk

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw such a cool story!!

  • Cruz


    I met you at Vogue Knitting Live in Pasadena. I have made several of your lemon and heart stress balls and now want to make a giant drop of blood as a gift. I would love a how that make what you dream about in crochet?

  • Nelk


    Thanks for the chance! Keep it coming!

  • jennifer


    Everything’s so cute! I really love that glitter bow, simple but pretty.

  • Kalu


    Great giveaway as always!

    I think I originally came here because I saw the pattern for teddy bear ear warmers while browsing through pinterest. I keep coming back because I love the other patterns/projects you show (once I can get the hang of crocheting I’m gonna try to make everything I can!) and it’s fun to see the life of someone I look up to in several ways. Not necessarily to compare but to just feel good that things are good for someone else. Now I’m pretty sure I follow you everywhere, haha~

  • Ilene Belnap


    I love your stuff. You are so creative!

  • Katelynn


    I actually just now found you on instagram and I just love everything. Expecially the crochet 🙂

  • Shauna Crissey


    I came for the patterns but stuck around because I love your unique style! I’m always amazed by your creations and fun outfits. Your IG posts always make me smile and you seem like a genuinely awesome person to be around ☺️

  • Shannon


    Awesome giveaway, amazing maker!

  • gina travers


    hi,what originally brought me here was i watched alot of your youtube vids and started following all your social sites including your blog here.i was searching japan candy box on youtube and found one of your vids from a year ago.and i love all ur crochet patterns.i learned how to crochet from my great great grandma and havent crochet since i was a kid,but with her passing i have been wanting to start again,and teach my 2 teen girls and everytime i come to ur blog i tell myself i need to start again because i love all you do. keep on bloggin and posting girl.ty

  • Piper


    I love your giveaways, even though I haven’t won one yet, because I always get introduced to new cute shops. I love updates on your projects, products and patterns.

  • wooly brain


    Hi Twinkie,
    I came to your blog back in 2009ish when I saw your bacon and eggs scarf. Bought your first book and LOVE your unique style and creativity. I stay reading your blog for your funny sense of humour and awesome patterns. You really cheer up my day : ) Thanks for inspiring my own crochet things. : ) I think everyone likes you and your giveaways, they’re fun and very generous. : )

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw thank you so much for your sweet comment!

  • Usha


    I think I first “discovered” you through Creativebug, and started following you on Instagram. I come to your blog for smiles and inspiration!

  • Amy


    What a fun giveaway!! I love seeing the things that you make! Happy birthday month! 🙂

  • Robin Testone


    I love your patterns. I made my son, who was 10 at the time, the bacon and egg scarf and he wore it everyday to school. He loved to tell people that his Mom had made it for him.

    • TwinkieChan


      Awww that’s the cutest!

  • Jen


    I love everything twinkie chan!

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