Vote for our Crochet Fruits & Veggies Dress Collab with Betabrand!

yummy_you_dress_3I’m really excited to share this news with you guys! You can help vote a dress into production that has an all-over print based on my crochet goodies!

18 weeks ago (thanks, Instagram!) I posted this photo of some crocheted fruits and veggies I made for a mysterious collaboration. Now you get to see what these are for!

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Betabrand, a San Francisco-based company, collaborates with its customers on a designer, model, and investor level, creating a community and a brand all at the same time. Have you heard of the dress pant yoga pants and the dress pant sweatpants? That’s Betabrand. They asked if I wanted to collaborate on something fun, and I said, of course! They felt that something fruit and veggie themed would appeal to both of our customers, and then they whipped up these dress designs!



There’s a 2-step process for making designs come to life at Betabrand. 1) The design needs to get enough votes to go to sample-making and crowd-funding. 2) The design needs to get funded to get produced. I am currently in Phase 1, so if you could hop on over to Betabrand and vote, that would be super duper awesome! Also, if you have feedback, like “I like the one on the right, but in black,” or, “I like the top part of the white one but the bottom part of the black one,” please do leave that feedback at the Betabrand website, since we’re interested in what everyone thinks!

2 Comments on “Vote for our Crochet Fruits & Veggies Dress Collab with Betabrand!”

  • Frocktopus


    Love them both. The white would look amazing as a 40s style tea dress or swimming cosy, how about a poofy lollitta skirt or some other separates? A lot of people find buying dresses that fits the whole body over the internet a bit daunting.x

  • Bianca Alicia


    I love the shape of the a line dress, but the lighter coloring of the strappy dress. And I agree, maybe do separates? That way people could choose how much crochet coolness they show. I’d wear a skirt made of this cloth with a white top. Also because whenever I order clothes online there’s a 70% chance that it won’t fit me right, even if I get the “right” size. So if it’s just a skirt or a top that doesn’t fit, it’s not as bad as getting a whole dress that doesn’t fit. Still, I would totally buy it!

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