All is well!

Photo on 8-24-14 at 12.03 PMHi guys! Some of you have been writing to me and asking if everthing is ok after last night’s earthquake, and one of you suggested that I maybe just write a quick blog entry :).

All is good! Nothing even fell over. It wasn’t the strongest earthquake I’ve ever experienced, but it was definitely longer than the average rumble. This one was a 6.0 (I think? I didn’t check again today) out of Napa, which is a little bit north of us here in San Francisco.

The dogs were a bit scared apparently, but everything is 100% a-ok!

Love you guys!

I’ve been working on a fun re-cap of our trip to the Redwoods last weekend, and I’m also going to launch a new giveaway this week (hopefully) for a handful of crocheted baby Groots, because I don’t intend to sell finished ones, and a lot of you keep asking if I will be, but I do not have permission or a license to do so. Stay tuned!

7 Comments on “All is well!”

  • Joan


    I’m so glad that you’re okay and all is good, sending caring blessings to you to keep you safe.

  • I’m about 30 minutes from Napa! It wasn’t too bad here, but it was the first earthquake I’ve ever experienced so it was kind of freaky! I slept through all the others in the past, hahah.

  • Sarah


    Good to hear you are safe and sound! Can’t wait for the give away ^_^

  • Fiona


    Super excited for the giveaway – just saw guardians the other week, super loved it 🙂 Also glad you’re safe and sound!

  • Susan


    So thankful you are safe and sound. We need you doing what you do best, being Twinkie! Looking forward to the giveaway.

  • Thank goodness for that. I’ve never experienced an earthquake. They sound terrifying.

  • Glad you are okay! My family lived in SF during the 1989 earthquake, but I was 2 so I don’t remember much. Just that earthquakes -> scary!

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