Long Overdue Update!!

SOOOOOOoooooo, I have to admit, I have been failing on the blog front here. Now that I have blog sponsors, I feel super guilty when I’m not able to blog regularly. I should probably foresee when I’m about to get busy and then invite guest-bloggers to help fill in the blanks, but sometimes all the deadlines rush up all at the same time, and you barely remember to eat or wash your face, let alone organize guest-bloggers!!

I suddenly had 3 huge deadlines all coincide with one another (along with Etsy orders). I completed one project, am working on completing another right now (taking a quick break but need to ship it this afternoon), and have another one due in about 10 days. These are all kind of secret projects with companies you know, so I can’t really share progress updates. One of them is launching in June, one in July, and the other… I actually have no idea! Hehe.

Project #1 is a _________  that I’m contributing crochet patterns to starring your favorite characters from  ____________.  I’m actually only finished with the first deadline for that but have to hold off on the rest of it because my other projects are due first!

Project #2 is a __________ that I’m crocheting for ____________. They will be holding some cool sweepstakes and giveaways that are collabs with artist/designers, so you’ll have the chance to win some _________ -themed goodies.

Project #3 is a little ________________ that I’m crocheting, which will be part of a new interactive website from your favorite TV show _______________.  When they approached me and sent me a little PDF of what the project was, and the cover page had our logos on it, ___________ x Twinkie Chan, I felt really excited and proud!! It’s physically a small project, but I’ve been taking it apart over and over again to get it juuuuuust right.

Soooo, that’s what I’ve been up to and will be up to for a little bit longer! 😉 I hope you guys have a great weekend. I’ll actually be in a cabin somewhere for the next two nights to celebrate a friend’s 40th birthday. Hopefully I can relax a little mentally and not worry about __________, _____________, and __________ !

I will leave you with a sneak peek of the next Yummy You! scarf (if you follow me on Instagram, then you’ve already seen this)! I’m just waiting for our shipment to come in so I can put it in the store 🙂

Screen shot 2014-05-30 at 3.04.06 AM

6 Comments on “Long Overdue Update!!”

  • Lee


    I ___________ you _________ ________ _________ _________ !!!

  • This is so _____________ Awesome! Can’t wait to see everything you are working on!

  • Fiona


    The suspense is _______ me! 😛 love that pizza scarf super cute, good luck on getting all the projects completed, you always sounds super crazy busy!

  • Grace


    Hehehehe! This is like Mad Libs…So Twinkie’s making a ________, and she can’t ______ us what it is…Hopefully we’ll _____ soon! 🙂

  • Yasmine


    Oh, the suspense! I’m really busy with exams now, but at least I have all the surprises you’re making to look forward to! Enjoy the weekend! xoxo

  • Lee


    Sparse updates now = LOADS to look forward to ^____^!!! Looking forward to what is on the way <3 ! xox

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