Crocheted Baby Veggies!

veggies3smMy little nephew turned 1! It’s weird to think he has been on this planet for a whole year already. I watched him eat his first taste of cake and frosting, and his reaction to the absolute wonder that is CUPCAKESSSSSSSSS was super sweet and funny.

On his bday wishlist was a set of crocheted veggies. As a crocheter, my brain obviously told me to make these myself! Or at least something similar! A lot of the cotton yarn I was seeing was not super easy care (machine wash, but air dry), and I wanted the toys to be fully machine washable, so I used both Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice and Deborah Norvile’s Everyday Worsted. I test-washed them first by popping them into a delicate cycle with a low-tumble, and they came out just the same as they went in.


I made a carrot, corn, eggplant, potato, mushroom, radish, and tomato. I think my favorite is the radish! Second favorite: potato!


I packaged them in a cute little basket and wrapped it all up in clear cello, like an actual gift basket of food. I don’t know if he’ll actually play with them, but it was certainly a fun project! Hairy’s nephew really loved to play with fake food when he was younger, so maybe Ender will go through a fake food phase as well! I don’t know anything about babies, so I think these might be a bit big for him to hold (except by the greens/stems!), but I didn’t want to make them too small for fear him trying to eat any of it!

Here’s a link to “crochet vegetable” on Etsy, and here is a link to “crochet vegetable pattern” on Etsy. People on Instagram asked me if I were selling these in my shop, but since so many on Etsy are doing it already, I feel like I should maybe step back on that one!



8 Comments on “Crocheted Baby Veggies!”

  • Kady


    Too cute! I have 2 toddlers and I’ve made them tons of playfood to go with their toy kitchen. We have enough that we started a pretend farmer’s market lol.

    You did a great job!

  • Yasmine


    I love them, they’re amazing! They are all my favourites but I especially like the tomato, aubergine and the corn!

  • Jaci


    They are the perfect size – he loves to grab them, throw them around, and chase after them. The basket is a perfect touch since he is in a phase of taking stuff out and putting them into things. Such a thoughtful gift – best Auntie ever!

    • TwinkieChan


      YAY! I’m glad he actually has some interest on them!

      I am thinking of maybe crocheting a basket for them. I couldn’t find any baskets at Michaels that didn’t seem splintery or pokey!

  • Fiona


    Ah you’re a super thoughtful aunty, love the mushroom and radish, so cute 🙂

  • Mariel


    These are amazing! You should really consider doing more of these as sets or other themes. Possibilities are endless! Also would it be hard to add a rattle inside?

    • TwinkieChan


      It wouldn’t be hard to add a rattle, but a lot of other sellers sell them already, so I don’t feel that I have anything new to add to that arena!

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