New video! How to Crochet a Cupcake Dish Cloth!

After several people asked if I could shoot a video tutorial for the free Cupcake Dish Cloth pattern I wrote for Lily Sugar ‘N Cream, I finally made it happen!

Screen Shot 2014-03-19 at 2.41.25 AMCrochet videos are kinda weird to me, cuz even after I sped up a lot of the easy crochet portions, my video still clocks in at a whopping 53 minutes!! I can’t imagine anyone sitting through the whole thing! But is that the point? To feel like you are crocheting a project along with someone? I would love feedback! I wanted to be as informative as possible, but maybe I was too informative…. heheh. Like, I know I could have done separate videos for weaving ends, blocking, working each different stitch…. that seems logical to me, but it also felt natural to just mention it while I was doing it. Let me know your thoughts!

p.s. While filming, I also noticed a few small flubs in the pattern, and I edited the pattern on my blog to reflect those changes.

16 Comments on “New video! How to Crochet a Cupcake Dish Cloth!”

  • My firewall blocks it here are work but I CANT WAIT to go home and watch it! Your little voice is so cute!!!!

  • Yasmine


    Wow, this video is amazing! I know they take a lot of time to make and edit etc, but you should totally do more!

    • TwinkieChan


      It’s a tough balance. I know people really like them, but then it becomes sort of like a free service as opposed to someone maybe paying for a pattern on Etsy.

      • Yasmine


        If each pattern purchased came with some sort of unique code to a site where there is a video tutorial for the pattern and each code could only be used once before it becomes invalid?

        I don’t know if such a site exists, and I’m sure mean people would find some wicked way of bypassing it! But on the upside you could charge more for your patterns seeing as they come with a tutorial.

        (Personally, I find your pattern really cheap and I wouldn’t mind paying extra for them!) xoxoxo

        • TwinkieChan


          Yeah, I think that having separate codes for each customer and each video sounds more complicated than I want to invest thought into, but if someone else comes up with a platform for that, I’m open to considering! 😉

  • MaDonna



    • TwinkieChan



  • Sally


    Looks like a fantastic pattern! Can’t wait to have a go to add to my collection of your other cupcake patterns I have had a go at!

  • Cookielu1999


    Awesome tutorial, you should be proud. I learned fp, 2tog, and fphtr and fptr from this pattern – it was a small challenge for me but I just trusted the pattern and did what it said to do and voila – it came out perfect! Thank you for a well written pattern. I am SO happy with these new skills after completing your cupcake! I’m cupcake mad now and am pumping them out by the dozen.

    • TwinkieChan


      Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for this wonderful comment. IT means a lot to me! I’m so happy it helped you!

  • Ashley


    I watched the whole video last night while crocheting a different project just because it was one of your videos and it felt like we were crocheting together. I agree you shouldn’t have to make video tutorials on all your patterns. It is very important for the crocheter to know how to read patterns. Videos only help me if I like a visual for a stitch I’m new at or like oh that’s how you attach your project to something, etc.

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw Ashley, this is so cute!! 🙂 <3

  • Katie


    I saw it at Michaels here in Memphis! I squeed while I was shopping with the hubby for supplies for his half of the business.

  • magalys gonzalez


    im latina and want to learn to do this awsome dish cloth and more tk 4 your tutorial

  • karen brathwaite


    Thank you Ms. Twinkie, I made my first cupcake dishcloth, and it came out really, really beautiful. Also, it’s perfect for holiday gift giving, so much that I’m ready to make another one in the near future. And I’m ready for your upcoming crochet book in 2016 and someday you will get to visit New York City. God bless you.

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