February Blog Sponsor Giveaway!

It’s the 15th of the month, so it’s time to launch a new blog sponsor giveaway! Thanks so much to my generous sponsors for offering us these wonderful goodies! One lucky winner will receive:

1. Twinkie Chan EXCLUSIVE 4 pack of RockerByeBaby‘s “Dirty Girl” Un-paper Towels in imported Japanese fabrics and a button. “Feeling Dirty? No problem – I have the perfect thing for you, girl… I use a waffle weave unbleached muslin for the backs of the Dirty Girl UnPaper Towels. I double-serge all the edges for long life & durability. They’re safe for all surfaces, nice and absorbent for drying spills  and textured for scrubbing counters when wet.” (BTW, how fun and perfect is the print!?)

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2. Here is your chance to win one of The Geek Garden‘s best selling custom made Marvel Heroes Retro Skirts! All of her skirts have a comfy black knit foldover band with hand ruffled Marvel skirting with serged hem.

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3. This Mermaid locket from Messy Pink will make any outfit a little more magical!

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4. Cute Cloud Keyring by ClaireyLouCreations.

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5.  Pretty matching zipper pouch set from Quiet Tiger. The bigger one is about 4″ x 6″ and the smaller one is about 4″ x 4″.

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6. Bonjour Breakfast Card and BFF Print from Prints & Things by Nellie Le.

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7. Free download of Twink the Toy Piano Band‘s new album Happy Houses.

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8. A 20 euros ($27) gift certificate to Petits Pixels Etsy shop.

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9. I’m also going to throw my hat in this month! 1 custom Cupcake Coffee Cup Cozy crocheted by me, in the flavors of your choice!

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Just follow the Rafflecopter widget below for all of your chances to win! (p.s If you are new to Rafflecopter and think it’s weird, I just ran into this hand dandy guide.)

Giveaway is open worldwide and will run for a week until next Sunday night, February 23rd, at midnight PST. Good luck! P.S. Please make sure my email address can get through your spam filters! twinkie@twinkiechan.com

a Rafflecopter giveaway

112 Comments on “February Blog Sponsor Giveaway!”

  • Gail Carroll


    Another great giveaway. Thanks Twink and sponsors.

  • Blaire Bosley


    The skirt is so cute.

  • Rachel Friendship


    I’m not doing so well today. Been sick for 3 days now. Trying to spend some time with family, kids miss me. Been slowly working on a colorful set of mitts for myself.

  • Dude I’m having a great day so far. It’s only 6:30 am so I’m not sure how the rest will go especially because I have a dentist appointment at 8am. 🙁

  • Lois Blanchard


    I have always loved your things and your style!

  • Kat Clark


    What a great giveaway 🙂

  • Dottie Lou


    I am so glad that Geek Garden has hooked up with you! I love the work from both of you!!

  • Marta Roman


    A new giveaway!! Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3

  • Tatiana Tejeda


    I’m going to dream about that Marvel skirt for days it’s adorable! Good luck everyone ^_^

  • Elle


    Oh my gosh, all these prizes are adorable!! I’m thinking of making each of my teachers a crocheted octopus similar to the ones in the photos. (Last year of high school and I thought it was fitting since my teachers are always multi-tasking, heheh.)

  • Ceinon


    Doin’ good

  • Tina


    thanks for the giveaway!

  • Tina


    I’m doing great, kinda tired but still going!

  • Katherine


    So many cute prizes! Thank you!

  • Shelina


    All the prizes are super cute! Thank you!

  • I’m very happy, I always wait eagerly for next month’s giveaway ^_^

  • Cami


    I totally love all of your sponsors but would ADORE one of your cupcake coffee cozies! 😀

  • Christina


    Such cute designs, adore all of them

  • Jessica Radke


    Just downloaded your cupcake potholder pattern! So excited to make it!

  • Juliet


    These are all so cute! You have some amazing sponsors and they match your crochet style so well too. Hope to win this time..

  • Juliet


    These are all so cute! You have some amazing sponsors and they match your crochet style so well too. Hope to win this time..

  • ellyssa


    I’m doing great today!! 🙂 Thanks for this amaze giveaway!

  • It’s a BeAuTiFuL day in Sunny CA & All is gReAt!! Thankz for asking & thanks for another aWeSoMe monthly prize pack 😀 hope your day is aMaZiNg!
    You RoCk <3 XOXOX

  • Celeste M


    So many cute awesome prizes! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Cat


    Love your crochet goodies!! Always such a delightful treat!! 🙂

  • Elizabeth


    Such cute things for the giveaway!

  • angie


    everything’s always so cute

  • Tris


    Ahh all the prizes are so cute!

  • Ashley


    Love the lineup of awesome prizes!!

  • Anna


    I’m great thanks, thank you for asking!
    You are such a cutie offering this great giveaway – it’s made me smile looking at the the prettyness!!
    Anna xx

  • Lisa


    I love that skirt! I’m feeling like I need more skirts today, because I just finished a bike ride and jeans are so hot to wear for summer riding! ~___^

  • Lori Brenig


    Thanks for give away! I’m ready for NO MORE SNOW.

  • Patricia


    Ahhh the cuteness!

  • Lucy


    Hi Twinkie! *waves*

  • Helen


    Thanks for the giveaway – everything is so cute!

  • definitely having a rough day today, but catching up on your blog posts always cheers me up! cant wait to visit my local Michael’s to see your new pattern on display! (headed over there on thursday!) hope all is well in twikieland!

  • Kelsie


    Fingers crossed I win, lol!

  • EMi


    These are all so cute! I would love to win 😀

  • Kat


    I am overloaded with work and just took a quick break to surf and read some blogs. How are you today? 🙂

  • Yasmine


    Meh, OK, but seeing as I’m on my term break I’m using all my time for study when I’d rather be crocheting some cute patterns 😛 xoxo Yasmine

  • Jessica D


    I’m doing ok. Being very productive today by cleaning the house and working on my crochet. This week I’ve been working on a Loki amigurumi and a Knight’s Helmet. This giveaway is amazing! That skirt is adorable!

  • Isabel S-W


    This month has some awesome items in the giveaway! Loving the mermaid necklace.

  • Logen Clayden


    Oh my gosh amazing giveaway! I LOVE it all! <3

  • Christina Young


    I love everything on this list! It would be so awesome to win 🙂

  • Colleen Cobb


    I don’t have twitter or FB, but I’m leaving some puffy heart love here on your sweet blog! Too much cute happening here! <3

  • Amz


    The necklace is so cute!

  • Jessica


    First time entering one of these giveaways! Exciting!

  • Liz


    Seeing all these great crafts makes me want to start sewing something!!

  • Annie


    Such a cute giveaway package!! ^_^ I hope I win….good luck all!

  • Monique Cruz


    You have the greatest giveaways! Everything is always so darn cute!

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