“Sweet Radish-on-Radish Action,” or, a short rant about branding.

Radish1Sometimes I’m like, “Ugh, I have nothing interesting to blog about! I’m just making orders and shipping them and doing a bunch of boring stuff!” But sometimes I forget that stuff could be mildly interesting as a peek into my day-to-day.

I’ve been having fun including pins in orders that kinda match up with the item I’m sending, like this sweet radish-on-radish action.

Radish2The other reason I wanted to blog about the radishes is that I have ALWAYS had a bit of a problem with figuring out how to stick my branding on these guys. Normally with my crochet work, I can sew a clothing tag somewhere, but there is not a lot of surface for sewing labels when it comes to the radish lariat scarf. Β In the past, I have tried sewing a label to one of the leaves. I never really wanted to sew one to the radish itself because it seemed ugly.

One alternative solution I’ve been using is these jewelry tags (sorry it was hard to photograph them!)

Radish3But I’m not sure if people really like that up in their radishes, either. The cool part about the jewelry tag is that people can easily remove the if they don’t like them.

I know there is probably some difference in preference from person to person regarding branding on their items. Some people request it specifically because they like knowing they have a Twinkie Chan item. But I’ve also received complaints in the past, regarding t-shirts, they they wish I didn’t include branding in my graphics. So I get that there are two sides to the story.

When it comes to branding on items that I buy, I don’t mind supporting indie businesses and wearing something with their brand on it, especially if the brand name and logo are cute. I’m less likely to care about having a giant ADIDAS or JUICY across my butt. If you have any specific thoughts regarding my little radish buddies, I’m interested!




18 Comments on ““Sweet Radish-on-Radish Action,” or, a short rant about branding.”

  • Melissa


    My thoughts are that I love the little tag, and I would totally want it all up in my radishes. Do it, I love to show off the tag on my handmade or indie cool items and spread the love when people compliment me.

  • Melissa Johnston


    Love your radish buddies! Making one tomorrow (love your book too!)

  • Cara


    I have such a thing for radishes at the moment. I eat a lot of salads so I slice them up and add some extra zing to my lunches. I have no idea what else you do with them though?
    I think that’s a good way to brand your stuff and it’s something I need to get into for my bows. I don’t think it’s offensive when done in s subtle of cute way, and it helps people remember where they got something which most people would probably prefer anyway.

    • TwinkieChan


      Sometimes when I blog outfits and there’s no branding on handmade accessories, I really truly have no idea who made it, and that’s kind of a bummer!

  • Britney


    I love the little tag! I think it looks very clean and profesh yo πŸ˜›

  • Becky


    I think the tag on the radish like that looks good and like you say, they can always remove it.
    As far as wearing branding, if it’s a small independant type business then I want to help advertise them and tell everyone where this awesome thing I have is from but I’m not so keen on big brand names being on things because they don’t need my help and I definitely don’t wear things to show off my status (or whatever the reason is for making sure people know your clothes are a particylar brand).

  • Fiona


    I love the cute heart tags I think they’re perfect. I like supporting indie and always proud to show people where I get my stuff – it’s nice to help spread the love πŸ™‚

  • kimmi


    You’re an indie brand, I can’t believe people would complain about having the brand name on your shirts! I want everyone to know the cuteness I am wearing is TWINKIE CHAN!/YUMMY YOU!

    • Grace


      Motion seconded!!! πŸ˜‰

  • the tag owns! LOVE IT! Some people are weird about branding – ive had some complaints before to – and ive stopped putting my label on some items all together – but I love showing labels of indie biz – serioulsy – if the sweat shop retail stuff can rock labels – then im def supporting my cottage industry friends and rocking theirs! xo

  • Grace


    I like the little tag! I think that for a lot of people, one of the main reasons that they love your products is because of the knowledge that what they are wearing is something that came out of your hands and imagination! Spreading the word about brands like yours is great, and in my opinion the tags are a great way to do that. I agree with you-people can remove them if they don’t like them. P.S. one of my fave Twinkie Chan scarves that I’ve made is the radish! PPS, I love the radish pins! πŸ˜‰

  • Natalie


    I love the little heart charm, it’s so cute! πŸ™‚ I also like to support independent businesses. It’s really fun when people compliment you on something and you get to say, “I bought it from Twinkie Chan!” or something like that, hahah.

  • Maya W


    Not really on tuber topic here, but I would like you to know that when my best friends dad died I handed her your crochet book and told her I would make her anything out of it that she wanted (which is now a problem because our other friends found out and they want me to make stuff too) and she chose the carrot scarf. It has become something of a security blanket for her and she wears it to work every day, and always gets compliments on it. I just thought you might like to know what joy your strange and amazing crochet concoctions are bringing people.

    Huge fan & much love!


    • TwinkieChan


      Maya, thank you so much for telling me this story. I’m so sorry for your friend’s loss, but I’m so happy that the carrot scarf you made her can give her some comfort. Just amazing!!! <3

  • Acrylicana


    I love branding additions like this πŸ™‚ Little jewelry tags are so cute.
    When I had stuff manufactured a few years back there were major issues with the branding we had put on he sides of the shoes. so many retailers would’ve bought them if there hadn’t been giant A’s on the sides :/
    However, no one minded the small pink hearts A’s on the necklaces or the zipper tags on all of the bags. Funny how that works.

    Personally, I dig branding. Love custom tags.
    I do agree that the giant A’s on the sides of the shoes sucked, and ruined the company completely (manufacturing company). Now those shoes sit in a warehouse abandoned, never to be used (I can only hope they’re donated or something — no control over that mess).

    Love how you’ve handled the tag on this more difficult design.

    • TwinkieChan


      The branding can be tricky!!! I have found myself at odds a few times when it comes to the manufactured stuff. There is that line between “making this look like our brand and not something generic” (in my case) and “BRANDING LOGO OVERLOAD.”

  • Emi Gurumi


    I love radishes. I kind of have a thing for them. xD
    I can relate to the “I have nothing to blog about problem”. I’ve been having it myself. Lol!
    I like what you did with the jewelry tag. I don’t think that would bother me because it’s so unobtrusive. Then again, I feel like your stuff is so unique that it’s like a brand in itself. No one makes food crochet wearables like you do.

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