You’ve gotta check out Lion Brand’s “The 7 Wonders of the Yarn World”

UPDATED 7 Wonders Collage
Last weekend was the Craft Hobby Association (CHA) tradeshow. I didn’t go this year, but when I got a newsletter from Lion Brand Yarn about their “7 Wonders of the Yarn World” knit & crochet sculpture display, I had to share with you guys, in case you hadn’t seen it yet! (All photos are from Lion Brand.)

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Screen Shot 2014-01-14 at 3.49.15 PMAll the sculptures were designed by Nathan Vincent. See all seven and more photos at the Lion Brand blog!

7 Comments on “You’ve gotta check out Lion Brand’s “The 7 Wonders of the Yarn World””

  • Yasmine



  • Karly


    Wow!!! That is insane amazing.

  • Jess


    Definitely amazing. Headed over to see the rest.

  • incredible! Id seend bits and pieces on the crochet crowds IG but not big – these are amazing!

  • tami


    Amazingly creative!

  • Allyson g


    Ok this is seriously so coooool!

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