My Mood Board (sorta) (not really) (just kinda)

A lot of people make and post their inspiration or mood boards for the season, and while I am not in the habit of this at all (my likes don’t change seasonally for the most part … I’m pretty predictable), I was just asked to “send stuff that you like” by someone I am working with for Yummy You!, so I sent her this mish-mash of things:

StuffILike(You can click on it to make it bigger.)

I didn’t put a lot of thought or time into it, but in that sense, I think it’s a real gut-reaction true-blue representation of stuff that I’m drawn to. Colors, sweets, and friends!



17 Comments on “My Mood Board (sorta) (not really) (just kinda)”

  • Kailey


    Love this! That Meadham Kirchhoff collection is my favorite!

    • TwinkieChan


      Can anything ever top it!? I don’t know! I’ll be excited when it happens!

  • Danielle


    Yep, I’m all about that whole thing.

    • TwinkieChan


      I’m so boring. My mood board probably looked like this 3 years ago too. Hheehhehehe.

  • Angel


    So colourful. I love it!

  • Ha! I think this is perfect! I’m slowly developing into a gal who’s moodboard doesn’t change seasonally too, so I understand! LOVE this, though!
    Hope you’re well xo
    Zie Darling

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you, lovely Zie! I am kind of curious about my next evolution, but until then….. rainbows, toys, and sweets always!

  • I think it’a great and clear moodboard! It tells a lot an all the information you need 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you so much! I am interested to see how the person I’m working with interprets everything!

  • Cherie


    Yay! I love that Mel Stringers little pic is on there too <3

    • TwinkieChan


      All the coolest gals are in AUS!!! 😉

  • em


    so much cute!

  • Fiona


    pastels meet bright colours! love it, makes me super happy!!

  • Jasmine


    I just opened a shop and I am looking to get it out there! All of the profits are aiding me in college and while I study and travel during that time. The shop is named Sweet Treasures (coinciding with my blog Sugar Pirate). I sell a variety of items and plan on adding about 12 new items within the next few days. Mostly, I sell kawaii/decoden items but there will be a variety. I have included a smoker’s sections for adult and will be selling lighters and ash trays. I also plan to add some flower crowns and other accessories. I hope you enjoy!

    Thank you!

    -Jasmine H.

  • it’s awesome! my daughter does this alot – ive never….but i think I may now – im like you – ive liked the same things forevs so im not sure it would change that much….but looking at a bunch of your fav things would rock Thanks!

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