A Tour of My Craft Room with Cut Out + Keep!

Screen Shot 2013-08-01 at 4.50.16 PMCat from one of my favorite craft sites,  Cut Out + Keep, asked me some questions about my craft room and how I organize stuff. Check out more photos and our Q&A here!

8 Comments on “A Tour of My Craft Room with Cut Out + Keep!”

  • Louisa


    I wish my craft room was half as organised as yours! (And twice the size of what it currently is!) I have a comfy chair in there which is perfect for crocheting, but I have no yarn storage 🙁 I love the ikea cd shelf idea… I may need to do that in my own craft room!! 🙂 xx

    • TwinkieChan


      If you saw it today, it would not look like that photos! Ahahaha. Post-craft-fair-armageddon is nigh!

  • Michelle


    What a great article, it’s great to see everyone else’s workspaces as an inspirations as i get ready to create mine.

    • TwinkieChan


      I love seeing other people’s spaces, too!!!

  • Camille


    Hi! I love your decor. I also like to crochet in front of the Tv, super comfy. Just wanted to know what minty green yarn you use. The ones I see are too muted. I’m looking for a good “Tiffany” blue green. Can’t seem to find it locally.

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! Sometimes good colors are hard to find :). A mint green I use a lot is Lion Bran’d Vanna’s Choice Baby in Mint. It’s fairly on the green side of mint, thought. If you want something in the blue zone with lots of green undertones, try their Aqua. I just ordered some Deborah Norville Everyday Worsted in Glass that is a bit bluer than the Mint I mentioned. Hope that helps! I do have to order the Glass online as it is not available at my local stores. I used to have to order the Mint, too, but I found a chain near me that carries it.

  • OhSusannah


    I love your work space – I particularly love your crochet pictures on the wall – do you sell these? Can’t see them on your etsy shop x

    • TwinkieChan


      Hi! I don’t make them very often, and sometimes I forget to post them on Etsy! I have the “I Love You” Chocolate piece available and also the Panda Macaronimal piece. I actually have two small ice cream pieces available as well, but I keep forgetting to post them. 😛 I’ll do an update on Monday. Thank you for asking!

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