I potted it! (Trying to plant stuff again…)

Screen shot 2013-06-24 at 10.54.42 PMWhen the flowers start blooming in my back yard (the weeds, that is), I start feeling like I ought to make more of an intentional effort to beautify my garden. The thing is, I know myself, and I know that I don’t put in the time to take care of anything out there. I’m like the goldfish-mama who will birth the babies and then completely ignore them and maybe even EAT them.

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So I planted some stuff in the backyard, but the big experiment right now is my front porch. My mom bought me this tall, black planter to put plant-stuff in, and I have tried all sort of plants in it, and they ALWAYS die! Potted flowers: dead. Topiary bushes: dead. I call this phenomenon, The Curse. All green things are cursed on the porch!

Screen shot 2013-06-24 at 10.53.47 PMIn my backyard, I have this generic ready-made pot of succulents that I bought at Home Depot last year. I don’t water it or anything, and it looks just as perfect as the day I bought it. I almost wonder if it’s fake. Succulents/cacti seem super trendy right now, and I’m one of those angry people who try to steer away from what’s trendy, but if succulents are what survive in my yard, I’m gonna go with that. So I selected a bunch of them and potted them and put them in the Tall Black Planter of Doom, and I’m crossing my fingers.

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The thing is, I don’t know that they really make the visual statement I would prefer!

Screen shot 2013-06-24 at 10.53.34 PMBut I’m going to hold off on adding anything else right now. I want to see if these new guys survive The Curse…

4 Comments on “I potted it! (Trying to plant stuff again…)”

  • Fiona


    Fingers crossed…they look cute, even if they are trendy 😛

    I’m pretty hopeless when it comes to remembering to water/care for things but after I managed to successfully keep alive an (apparently difficult)African violet for a whole year I just went out and treated myself to a fern! I have to keep the watering can underneath it as a visual cue to water it though 😛

    • TwinkieChan


      Our neighborhood is also by the ocean, and therefore our house in particular doesn’t get much sun PLUS it’s quite humid, so I think that messes up a lot of my house-plant situation!!!! I should try a fern…!!

  • Anzouya


    I think I have The Curse too! But I’m a step too high, i’ve managed to kill my succulents/cacti too! hahaha
    Your Tall Black Planter of Doom looks great! It has actually eyes and eyebrows or is it just Photoshop? How cool is that?!

  • the arrangement is gorgeous – love the colors….now I want some Id have to have them indoors though – hmmmmmmmm

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