Pancake Lovey: new crochet pattern in my Etsy shop!

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I have a new pattern in available in my Etsy shop. It’s for a “Pancake Lovey!” I had no idea what a lovey was, until someone asked me to make one a year or two ago (I didn’t end up doing it). I guess it’s like a doll/security-blanket hybrid, usually characterized by some kind of head stuck to some kind of blanky. This Pancake Lovey has a happy, sleepy butter pat buddy sewn to a security pancake!

I don’t really want to make/sell baby items, and I probably won’t write very many baby-related patterns, but I designed this particular morsel because my brother and sister-in-law’s first baby, Ender, was born on May 16! He came out really cute, and not at all wrinkly or alien-looking. Manda and I got to see him after he was just about a day old. Pretty crazy!


You might be wondering why I made a PANCAKE for them.  Recall the baby shower and how I mentioned my brother loving pancakes. Also, my sister-in-law decorates a lot using beige/neutrals. So, I figured, even if the baby never ends up using the Pancake Lovey, it could still sort of maybe fit into the neutral color scheme of their home.

Incidentally, I didn’t get a chance to bring them the lovey on the day we visited them in the hospital, because I washed it but didn’t have time to dry it because Hairy’s air-dry-only laundry was taking a million cycles! But the baby won’t be able to actually use it for a while anyway, so I guess it’s all good!

Here’s a picture of Ender for you baby-lovin’ folk out there!

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13 Comments on “Pancake Lovey: new crochet pattern in my Etsy shop!”

  • Yasmine


    The pancake blanket is sooooooooo cute…….but the baby is even CUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And what an awesome name, I’ve never heard of it but it’s lovely! All best wishes for Ender for the future. And congrats on becoming an Auntie, Twinkie!

    xoxo Yasmine

    • TwinkieChan


      The name is from a book! 😉

      • Lee


        “Ender’s Game”

  • Lee


    I want the butter thingy.

    • TwinkieChan


      If you’re serious, I’ll make you a butter pillow!

      • Lee


        Yeah, make me one. Not the size of a pillow but much smaller, something that I can hold in my hand.

  • Vanessa


    Ender is so cute! I bet he will chew that butter pat in the most loving way!

    • TwinkieChan


      I keep thinking of all the fibers that end up in babies’ mouths!! : /

  • Janet Weidner


    Congrats! Auntie Twinkie!! He is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!!! He is going to LOVE his Pancake & Butter Lovey!!! So appropriate after reading your blog. You are SO CLEVER!!!!
    I’m sure you’ll come up w/ lots more CUTSIE things for him–it is addictive! Trust me!

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you, Janet!

  • What a super cute lovely! I think this idea is fabulous. 😀

    • TwinkieChan


      Thanks so much!!

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