How We Perceive Ourselves – A quiz!

Thanks so much for filling out my survey, guys! It was really interesting to read the responses. Over 80% of you know how to knit/crochet. That’s a lot!

My favorite part has been reading how you guys describe your personal style. I know it can be a tricky question, and a lot of us shy away from putting ourselves in little boxes, but I think it’s a fun exercise! I would say mine is “The Girls Section at Target.” Comfy, casual, colorful, but with girlie frills like ruffles, bows, and cute collars.

Here are some of my favorites from the survey. I love how unexpected some of them were!

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The personal style question reminded me of this test someone gave me back in college, and I started giving it to all my friends. This will probably look familiar to many of you, and there were probably many variations on it.

1. What’s your favorite color? State three adjectives you’d use to describe this color.

2. What’s your favorite animal? State three adjectives you’d use to describe this animal.

3. State three adjectives you’d use to describe a large body of water.

4. State three adjectives you’d use to describe an empty, white room.

There may have been a fifth question in there, but I can’t remember it now! Okay, take a second to write some answers down if you want to play along.






Okay, so #1, color, is supposed to be how others perceive you. #2, animal, is how you perceive yourself. #3 is what you think about sex. And #4 is how you perceive death and the afterlife.

I’m really only focusing on #2, how you perceive yourself. Back in college, I said my favorite color was blue, because it was calming and serene, and my favorite animal was the water buffalo because they were cute and chubby :P. I’ve always liked chubby-looking animals, like pygmy hippos, and look who my dog is now! It’s hard to say what I would pick today. A pink or a mint green, because they are delicious, cute, and happy? Maybe a wombat, for the same reasons as the water buffalo, but we just saw a wombat at the zoo in Australia and it was like, amazing. I just love short, fat, squat creatures with tiny legs. Haha! Is this how I really truly perceive myself? I dunno. I can’t say “No” definitively. I’m a gal, and I am sure we all have our days where we think we are fat, gross, unattractive, etc, and now I have “old” to add on top of that! Obviously, I wouldn’t read too much into this quiz, but I still think it’s kinda fun and makes you think a little about yourself.

Anyway, if you had not seen that little quiz before, I just thought it was fun!


6 Comments on “How We Perceive Ourselves – A quiz!”

  • oh WOW! I had forgotten about this quiz! I made everyone take it back (i wont say how far back) then!!! Im so glad you reminded me – now ill have to make the kids take it lol!

  • Fiona


    people got so creative on their answers! I think I just picked the stock option..oops!
    Love the cute quizz I remember doing that back at school too, I picked pink for the colour and bunny for the animal, cuddly cute white 😛

  • Haha, I picked a bunny too, so I guess I see myself as round, cute, and furry!

  • Lynne


    I hadn’t seen the quiz. I found it amazingly accurate. Well, mostly. I’m not fuzzy! 😛

  • Lisa


    Haha I definitely don’t think of sex as salty, scary and huge! Well, maybe a little salty LOL. And I don’t find myself looking particularly fuzzy or squishy, either. It’s a fun little quiz, but I don’t think it means jack shit. 😉

  • 1. What’s your favorite color? State three adjectives you’d use to describe this color.
    Purple! Awesome, royal, majestic.

    2. What’s your favorite animal? State three adjectives you’d use to describe this animal.
    Cat! Sleek, sexy, aloof.

    3. State three adjectives you’d use to describe a large body of water.
    Deep, calm, gorgeous.

    4. State three adjectives you’d use to describe an empty, white room.
    Boring, empty, new.

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