Gloomy Pocky & Rila Pocky – a few more photos

I thought I would show you a few more photos of the Pocky Paintings. Unfortch, they still aren’t great quality. We didn’t realize that our camera has been set to a crazy high ISO for who knows how long, so everything has been really grainy for a long time, and I didn’t have the knowledge to know why! Thanks to Erik Hansem for solving the mystery! Anyway, onto the pics at Big Umbrella Studios!


When I got to the gallery, the pink painting had already sold. Way cool!

Hello, Rilakkuma!

Hello, Gloomy Bear! You can’t really tell from these photos, but the blood on his face is a bit metallic and sparkly.

Here’s a bit of a side view. I wanted to show you guys the 3-D-ness.

The Pocky lettering was really fun, but a little unwieldy. I wanted them to kinda look squished together and chubby, and they kept springing back out all over the place. It would have been a good time to have four hands!

As you may or may not know, I often start all my work with rough sketches in photoshop. Sometimes your project doesn’t always pan out the way you thought, but, sometimes things like TIME just get in the way, so you have to adapt. Clearly, I did not end up with as much lettering as I’d wanted, but I still think it turned out ok!









There was also the issue of how to cleanly render the text ON TOP of the Pocky sticks. I considered beading, altho that probably still would have looked lumpybumpy, but I may still try it later on.

I may come up with a few more fantasy flavors to make paintings for the Etsy shop, since both of these sold already.

I’ll put some other photos from the gallery – including me eating a big sandwich – under the cut!

Here’s me wandering around and also a shot of the live painting battle going on that kept drawing quite a crowd.
The gallery invited Baby the Stars Shine Bright to bring a small pop-up shop to the gallery as part of the J-Pop Asplosion.

Here’s me and Rick. He’s another co-owner of the gallery. You can check out his personal shop at
Here’s the neat sign/awning handmade from metal that Hairy commissioned for the gallery.
Peeps lookin at some arts.
More peeps.
Me and the Pockys.
Here’s Hairy and his buddy Lisa who brought the food truck for the evening, Little Green Cyclo (I think that’s what it was called). She had these pandan waffles that were GREEN but they were really yummy!
Gigantor Vietnamese sammich. I shared with Hairy. I’m pretty sure we rolled through J in the Bizzle later…. *shame*

27 Comments on “Gloomy Pocky & Rila Pocky – a few more photos”

  • Amoxelle


    I would personally kill to be a part of a gallery like this in Memphis or at least have one in town. Oh my the southern US such wonerfulness.

  • Heidi


    NO SANDWICH SHAME ALLOWED! Also, I always really love your art. <3

    • TwinkieChan


      THank youuuuu! 🙂 p.s. it was more shame about the Jack in the Box. I have sandwich pride!



    You could totally make unicorn flavored pocky! With rainboe sticks instead of chocolate!

    • NICOLE


      *rainbow, sorry

      • TwinkieChan


        Hmmm that’s a good idea! I’ll think about it~!!

        • NICOLE


          Cool 🙂 I have a bunch of other ideas but, I can’t crochet soo :/ Anyway, it would be awesome to see unicorn pocky from you…too cute! Also, did you ever do crochet any licorice or candy fish scarves/hats/gloves?

  • claire


    Well, all I have to say about this is….
    I’m so in love with Rilakkuma’s little face!
    One day I’ll be rich and buy all of your artwork!!

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw thank you, Claire!

  • Oh man, your “sketches” are waaaay more pro than mine. Which are usually just pencil on paper. Awesome!!

    I really like the pink dress the girl with the antlers is wearing. That’s not really a sentence I ever thought I would, but hey – life is surprising!

    Anyway, I am seriously craving some pocky right now.

    • TwinkieChan


      She kept adjusting her antlers. It looked like a tough piece to pull off, but she looked really cute!

      Re: sketches, yeah I usually really need to map out the colors before I start to crochet!

  • those are too damn KYOOOOOOOOOT

    i know i usually post a lot of all caps/repetitive letters on your posts. but surriously. this one made me squee out loud

    i want rilakkuma and gloomy hair chopsticks, bookmarks, and everything else that is stick-shaped.

    also now i need to go get some pocky. the choco kind with salt sprinkles C:

    love, chelsea

    • TwinkieChan


      I Totally wanted to make rila or gloomy hair sticks from polymer clay to wear at the show, but I totally did not have time to do that 😛

      • !!!!!!!!!!! you have to do it for daily wearings!!!!!!!!!!


  • Erin


    Those look amazing! I wish I had half the talent you do!

    Your hair is getting super long!

    • TwinkieChan


      omg My hair is out of control. I have no idea what I’m doing with it. I wonder when I’ll finally cut it all off again!

  • GabbyAnne


    AAHH!! That Vietnamese sammich looks so good!! Your pocky paintings are really cute! You got the face PERFECTLY!! The text is so 3D, it looks REALLY GOOD! The big umbrella sign is cool too….OH YEAH GREEN WAFFLES? You should have took a pic of them! I LOVE your coin purse clips and the cute merry go round horse dress!

    You look cute and pretty as always!

    • TwinkieChan


      i know! i’m bummed i forgot to take pics of the funky waffles! we ate it too quickly i think! 😛 xo

  • Caz


    awww your crochet paintins are so cute!!

    • TwinkieChan


      thank you so much!

  • Mary Cakes


    The pocky paintings are impressive, I love your use of crochet for the 3D letters too! No surprise they both sold! I love the furry-care-bear-esque hair accessories too. Awesome 🙂

    • TwinkieChan


      Thank you! xo The bears are actually coin purses, so I guess I could tuck some money up there too 😛

  • Kokeshi


    Those pocky painting are so beautiful and perfect. You rock my crafty world <3

    • TwinkieChan


      Aw, thank you, lovely!! xoxo

  • I totally love the detail in the paintings and they look awesome with the other art as well. Friggin Fab!

  • Sarah


    THOSE ARE SO ADORABLE!!! I love the shiny little eyes on the bears!

  • Jen


    Wow! Those Pockys are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing!

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