A little Craftacular peek!

We’re home! We had so much fun in NYC. The weather was beautiful and perfect. There is never enough time to do everything or eat everything! We went to Times Square, up to the tippy top of the Empire State Building, got lost in the subway for 2 hours, ate hot dogs at Katz’s Deli, got cereal-milk milkshakes from Momofuku Milk Bar, went fabric shopping at Mood, t-shirt shopping in Soho, stayed in an apartment in the East Village, strolled through Central Park, ate pizza at Lombardi’s, hung out with different friends every day, but there were still so many things left on the list to do. Next time, next time!

I need to get photos and video from Manda for a full NYC post, but here are some teaser photos of the Bust Craftacular off my iPhone.

It’s always hard to predict what might sell at any given craft fair, but overall, it was a really good day. The new Square app for the iPad is super awesome. I want to make a video clip just of that to show you guys. We logged in all our items beforehand, and when people made purchases, all we had to do was touch photos of items, and prices would be totaled automatically. Gotta love technology!

Here we are in the cab on the way to the venue. I am perfecting my anti-smise: smile with your mouth and not your eyes.
Here are some shots of the booth before the show started. (The apple juice bottle is not part of the display… hehe… they were giving out fuji apple juice and it was really yummy!)

Here was a fun surprise! A gal walked up to me and said, “I have something for you to sign.” I thought it was going to be a book. It turned out to be my crochet painting from JapanLa’s “Kittens & Ice Cream” show! That was really cool!
A few weeks ago on Twitter, I randomly wondered who, out in the universe, owned the one and only hot dog hand bag I made and sold on eBay, back when I was selling exclusively on eBay. Lo and behold, the hot dog hand bag -owner messaged me back and said she would see me in NY! She drove 4 hours from another state to say hi! So awesome!
Another HUGE surprise was a visit from Jenny Harada! Queen of the monsters! It was the first time I’d ever met her in person, and she is so cute and sweet and funny, just the way I’d always imagined.

So Manda disappeared for a while, later in the day, saying she was going to buy something from a booth that was selling charms. She bought some prezzies and also came back with a prezzie for moi! She had them engrave “bff” on the round charm.
We hadn’t really eaten much the whole day, and I saw someone come by my booth eating what looked like a miniature ice cream scoop cupcake on a cone. When Manda left for the 2nd time to visit the charm bracelet booth, I said, “INTERN!! BRING ME AN ICE CREAM CONE BROWNIE THING!!” She did.

And it was so super yummy!

There are a lot more photos…and VIDEO…from the trip. If you are a blog reader, and we took a picture together on your camera, please do feel free to send it to me to post on my blog!

For now, I will concentrate on getting all the leftover items up on Etsy and re-opening the shop. I will do my usual post-craft-fair sale as well. Mostly the more spendy items like scarves are deeply discounted, but there’s still a little break on smaller items like mitts and hats as well. I’ll letcha guys know when that goes up!

41 Comments on “A little Craftacular peek!”

  • Nicole


    Craftacular was fun πŸ™‚
    I bought a cupcake pin from you and a afterwards, a pin…i don’t know it you remember me (indecicisve girl? Red cardigan? Kept comming back to your booth, not knowing what to buy because i secretly wanted everything?)
    I wish i had taken a picture with you…i was too shy to ask :/

    • I didn’t realize it at the time, but after you left a msg on my previous blog entry about meeting us, then it clicked! Aw, I wish we could have snapped a photo, too!

  • Barny


    thats RAD! awesome stall πŸ™‚

    looks like great fun, and those browny ice cream cones so yummy. are they abit like cake pops?


    • Yes, exactly like cake pops! Except you get to eat a cone!

  • Sami


    It looks like a fun and yummy day!! You have some really devoted fans πŸ˜€

  • Kelsea


    Awesome display! I love the ice cream barette turntable. At craft fairs I always make a beeline for the bright, colorful booths like yours!

    • OMG. It would be cool if we could battery-power it to turn around, like a rotating bakery case!!!

      People kept saying that my booth really stuck out. That kind of worried me, actually, because I didn’t think that my work would jive with a sort of hipper and maybe more serious NY crowd. Worked out okay, though, I think!

  • Man Lee


    Yummy and beautiful display.

  • MaDonna


    Everything looks so perfectly cute!

    • Thank you, Mama! Are there many cool craft shows in MN?

  • Squibble


    The bunting on your table looks super cute!

    Would love to hear more about the Square app! Just discovered it a few weeks ago, and even though it’s not available in internationally yet I am hoping it will be soon!

    • Thank you! I made it at the last minute for a past show and just ended up using it all the time :P.

      I’ll definitely post photos or video about the Square app.

      PayPal is apparently releasing something like the Square. I’m curious about that but have no idea of the details.

    • Awwww YOU’RE THE BEST!!! ANd too sweet. And too cute. xoxooxoxo

  • Lauren K.


    how fun! your booth looks so awesome! so glad you had a fun time!

    • I’m never happy with my booth! ALways a work in progress!

  • Jules Chan


    Looks brilliant, well done! And.. the hair looks cute too, don’t forget to send me one of the faded pink please : )
    Keep up the good work!

    • I just got off the phone with Viv Chen and she’s coming to shoot me in the studio on Friday! Maybe you’d want one of those!

      • Jules Chan


        Cool, I’ll take any where your hair looks like the lighter shade of pink, I’d love one, you choose, cheers.

  • Kristina


    WOW!! Do you do all the crocheting on your own or do you have people helping you? I have one of your books and I have yet to do a project. You inspire me!!!

    • Rebecca


      I bought her book and taught myself to crochet just so I could have my own foodie things. The downside is that worsted weighted yarns are super hard to find in sunny Queensland, Australia. T_T

      • Kristina


        I learned when I was 14 and now 12 years later if I spend even a few days away from a hook and yarn I ache for it!
        Sorry about your yarn situation πŸ™ .

      • Jewel D.


        You could order it online. Places like Joannes fabrics or Michael’s might ship to where you are.

        • Rebecca


          I could, I guess…I just prefer to touch it and see it in person with things like this. Luckilly my wool boutique gets Blue Sky. I just haven’t had a chance to use it yet. And I have a liking for misti alpaca. Their variegated colours are super nice.

    • I definitely have helpers! WHen I crocheted on my own with a full time job, I was only able to pump out like 3 scarves every 4 months hehehe.

      • Kristina


        I have no one around me who crochets. I am jealous.I tried to teach my ten year old but she gets frustrated and my 7 year old only likes to knot the yarns LOL.

  • Rebecca


    Man I wish I could have been there. Looks awesome! I would have blown my future tax return fo’ shizzle.

    • Are there fun craft fairs in your town?

  • Locketship


    Soooo cute!!!!!

    • Aw thanks, bella! I was bummed to miss out on the SuperMarket thingie!!!!

  • Ellyssarunne


    I love that u and Manda are both rocking interesting Twinkie Chan outfits, you are rocking the classic super bright/cute twink Look. Manda is rocking the biker chick version with the ice cream ghost shirt. Love! I know a lot of talented crocheters but u r defs the most talented!

    • Hahah I love how observant you are! Yeah, she is always asking me how I want her to dress in my booths, and I told her to dress so that she feels like herself πŸ™‚

  • Bev


    What a fabulous display full of colour – it does look so wonderfully edible! I love the fingerless mitts, especially the cupcake ones.

    B x

  • Sarah


    I would love to meet you! Your book got me back into crocheting last year. Do you know of any craft shows in Boise Idaho or Salt Lake City Utah? I would love to meet you in person!!

  • stephanie


    looks like you had a great time! I always love seeing what ideas people use on their booths. yours turned out super cute πŸ™‚

    • Thank you!! It’s always a work in progress. I’m never happy with it! πŸ˜›

  • Caz


    I totally love your craft booths πŸ˜€

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