Sending you some sugar.

I’m working on a kabillion things!! Slowly adding more things to the shop. Tomorrow some more cupcake hats are going up!

I love sending cute things to cute people! 🙂

9 Comments on “Sending you some sugar.”

  • Amy Bryan


    I’m cute, but my adopted Chinese 9 year old daughter is CUTER! 🙂 Love your goodies, Twink! 😉

  • Amy Bryan


    oooo oooo ooo…..can’t believe I was the first to reply! :)))
    (doin the happy Snoopy dance!)

  • ooh cupcake hats! i might need one to add to my cupcake coffee cozie and cupcake phone cover collection!

  • Amy Bryan


    well, I believe I was very sleepy this morning when I made the comments; I thought you were doing a GIVEAWAY! 😉 ha ha ha…..I think if you were there would be a TON of comments!

    • 😛 I keep forgetting I should do another giveaway at some point. Good reminder 🙂

  • Sylvette Marie


    Why I have to be born in a tropical island grrrrr…..I need snow 😛

  • Rachael Emma


    More crochet art!

    I had to tell you: I was in the car with my boyfriend a bit ago and saw you & hairy walking out of Home Depot.

    “Yes, that’s Twinkiechan. Go say hi or something.”
    “I’m not going to get out of the car for that! She’ll think I’m silly!”
    “So…the woman with pink hair, marshmallow peep tattoos, and pizza scarves will think you’re silly if you say hello and tell her how much you like her stuff. Sounds about right.”

    (I decided to leave you alone because no one wants to be bothered right outside of Home Depot, anyway)

    • Haha too funny! Say hi next time!!! 😀 I am trying to make a point of taking photos with peeps I run into in the ‘hood , so I can blog about them :). I get stopped at all kinds of random places, like the parking lot outside of Trader Joe’s in the SOMA. Or inside a random bookstore. It’s fun!

  • Amy Bryan


    well, take a trip out to Nashville….there are some too strange for words photo ops in this town! 😉

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