Twinkie Chan Crochet Cupcake Party in London!

Hairy and I are back from visiting London and Ireland. I have quite a few photos but thought I would start with my book signing/crochet cupcake party at All The Fun of the Fair off Carnaby Street. (Click the link to see the shop’s blog entry about the event with LOTS of photos!) Pretty much all the photos I’m posting are stolen from All The Fun of the Fair, and lovely ladies Boopetta, Little Miss Delicious, Tet’s post in my Ravelry group, Cakemix, and Cat from Cut Out & Keep!

A few days before the event, we were in the ‘hood and decided to scope out the adorable venue, but the shop was closed!

On the day of, we bought 2 dozen cupcakes at Candy Cakes. It took a little while because I didn’t realize that buying 2 dozen cupcakes was a to-do there, and it was a bit of a mess but worked out ok! Then we ran upstairs to the shop, only to realize that Zoe from the shop had also baked a bunch of cuppies at home!!! Cupcake overload!

Here’s a snap that Hairy took before he went to find some manly stuff to do.

And here are the rest of the photos that I done stole:

It was really cool meeting new friends and some of my girls from my my Ravelry group, and also my cousin, and two reps from my book publisher came out to support! I also got to meet some of my cute Twitter buds like Teese and Little Miss Delicious. All in all it was a joy to hang out with everybody and maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity to have us all in the same room. Too bad we can’t do that every week! Frankly, I was a bit nervous and anxious about it beforehand because I’m pretty much an introvert who spends all day alone working with the dogs, but the event was super duper fun, and I appreciate everybody who came :).

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that there was a giant 500,000 people protest against the government that day, too. Hairy and I experienced a bit of it on the way back to our hotel from the book event. Loads of people in the streets. Tube stations closed. Traffic everywhere. TopShop got hit with giant paint splatters. I hope everyone made it home without too much ado!!

23 Comments on “Twinkie Chan Crochet Cupcake Party in London!”

  • It was lovely to meet you, even if I couldn’t crochet! Hehe xo

    • Thank you so much for coming!!!!

      AHHH I kinda feel bad when we have crochet-along events, because the non-crocheters either don’t come at all or have nothing to do! So I am super happy you stayed at least for a little bit!

  • candice


    Jealous! Come to Bakersfield! haha, sorry, That would be dreadful for you πŸ™‚

    I LOVE your book to pieces, I made the cupcake scarf and featured it on my blog and posted a link to your book. Everyone loves it.

    Sushi scarf is next!


    • Hardly anyone makes the sushi scarf! Please let me know if there are booboos in the pattern! I can’t wait to see pics!

      • candice


        I started the Sushi scarf yesterday. Yeah, The makis are so easy and cute..but the little shrimp rolls…not so easy. Not sure what you mean by carry over yarn, etc. I’m kinda confused :/ If you made a how-to DVD, I would SOOO buy that. I think it would be easier to see it done πŸ™‚

        • Have you ever crocheted with two colors at the same time, and switched them back and forth? That’s all that means. you carry the color you are not crocheting with along or inside the stitches you are making with the other color. I am sure there are video tutorials on that already πŸ™‚

          • Candice


            Thank you so much for your help. Actually I’m pretty new to crochet, I just learned last month, so I will definitely have to look up the tandem color crochet method. I love your book so much! I posted a pic of your cuppycake scarf I made on my blog. hopefully I will figure out the sushi, it’s so damn cute. I’m actually thinking about making a rug or purse out of the maki rounds in different sizes. You’re amazing! xo

          • candice


            OMG OMG! I did it…haha. Well kinda, definitely has some flaws…and not as cute as yours..but it resembles a shrimp! Sorry, I’m so excited πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to blog about this one. <3

  • Sylvette Marie


    How fun!! Its looks its was a super fun day and with cupcakes OMG, better… more photos …..pleaseeee

    • Check out the blogs I linked to for more photos :). I really didn’t take any. I need to travel with a personal photographer! πŸ˜›

  • Teese


    lovely to meet you!!! even started a bit of crochet though I wasn’t very good at it!! At least I took some home so I can practise! πŸ˜€ xo

    • I’m excited to you wanted to take it home!! You’ll be a pro in no time!

  • Cami


    I love the pompom hair accessory about 8 pics up. Sounds like a great time was had by all. πŸ™‚ Come to Mexico next!

    • I marveled at that as well! So cute!

  • tetcutiepie


    I totally wish we could this every Saturday too! It really left me on a high having met you and making new friends πŸ™‚

    Nuh-uh, you don’t seem like an introvert at all! I’m almost in the same boat as you, as I’m home 95% of the time… only go out to post stuff or go to the movies, haha! I’m much more shy and not really good at socializing – getting to know me and me feeling comfortable enough, comes with time… I thought you were awesome πŸ™‚ So if you were nervous, we definitely couldn’t tell!

    • Being social is fun once you’re doing it, but oh so draining!!!! Hehe. I used to have to speak on panels at writers conferences and take consultations with writers, and then I’d sleep for like 14 hours after that!

  • Jules Chan


    I know exactly where you were! Looked great and fun. And I love the first pic of you with the braid! Cute!!

    • Oh man, I was very uncreative with my hair on this trip!!! Pigtails almost every day! πŸ˜›
      I finally got the triple barrel tho!

  • Boopetta


    Yaaaaaay!!! Loved every second! Thank you again for coming to meet us!
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    • Thank you again for coming out! meant to so much to me! πŸ™‚

  • RA


    Bah! I was in Central London when you were there! I really wanted to go find the shop that you were crocheting at but because of all the protesters (and sudden amounts of smoke?) I gave up and went home πŸ™ I hope you come again soooooon

    • Ah bummer! It seemed like on the way in, around 1pm, nothing really major was happening yet, but yeah, but the time we came out close to 4pm, it was crazy!!!

      I am not sure when we’ll be back in London. There are so many places I want to see! πŸ™‚

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