Vote for my book!

Apparently I was nominated for Best DIY Fashion Book of 2010 by’s Reader’s Choice Awards, so who ever helped in doing that: thank you!! I have never really been nominated for anything before, where people can vote for me online, so if you feel like clicking a button in the name of all that is wonderful and Twinkie Chan, please VOTE HERE! I have no idea what the voting rules are. It looks like I was just able to vote for myself without signing up for anything. And it seemed like I could vote for myself again, although that doesn’t seem like it should be possible?

In other news: Happy Valentine’s Day! I am just lazing about in a sweatshirt, jeans, and my house-only polka dot faux-Uggs. I have been working non-stop and am now taking a little breather after the trunk show I did at Hairy’s gallery on Sunday. I DO have leftovers, and I WILL be posting them to Etsy, hopefully tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™‚ More pretty bow wrist corsages, convo heart fingerless mitts, aaaaand…. a crap ton of cupcake coffee cup cozies! YAY!

Rocking my heart-patterned friendship bracelets from my girl Maddy! <3 <3 <3

Put a deer on it. (Sweater from H&M)

11 Comments on “Vote for my book!”

  • Jenny Whoo


    Done, and done! Voted for your book, and noticed that Poppy’s Wicked Garden was nominated in a category, too, so I voted for her, too, ’cause she rocks ๐Ÿ™‚

    looking forward to your etsy update! perhaps this time I won’t miss it, haha
    Here’s hoping Valentine’s Day was good to you…. <3

  • Amie


    Voted for your amazing book!!! Cute sweater, hope you had a nice valentines day! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • jamieson


    Good for you! I love the friendship bracelets, I haven’t worn any in years, you’re inspiring me to bust them out again…..

  • is there a time for your release? i would kill for some of your heart mitts and more coffee cozies (gifts..haha).

    it’s 1pm PST right now, maybe your still hard at work…. like i should be..*blushes*

  • MaDonna


    AW GIIIIIIIIIIIRLLLLLLLLLl they look beautiful on you

  • Tessel


    Is your sweater from this season from h&m? It’s so pretty ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Yep! I just picked it up while in L.A. a few weeks ago ๐Ÿ™‚

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