Blogging vs Twittering

Someone on Formspring recently told me to blog more. (Was that you, McKayla? :P)

I thought for a bit about why I find it harder to blog everyday these days.

1) If I’m working on secret stuff, I can’t share WIPs or fun photos along the way.

2) I start to worry too much about whether my blog entry is read-worthy or comment-worthy. I should just blog about whatever, right?

3) I Twitter a lot, so I figure if I’ve already posted links and photos on Twitter, that I don’t want to be boring and repeat it over here. Is there much cross over? Should I still post that stuff to the blog, too?

Just thinking outloud! It’s 7:30am and I haven’t slept yet. I’m still sewing a bunch of my clothing labels onto a big box of stuff I’m sending over for Onch’s party. I’m excited to see it all come together! Everything took a bit longer than I thought it would to make, but doesn’t it always?!

Here’s me and some epoxy the other night. That experiment didn’t go very well…

Now it's all over my pants. (that's what she said)

22 Comments on “Blogging vs Twittering”

  • San Smith


    I run into the same issues – I enjoy reading your blog though so whoever said that… I second it!

  • For what it’s worth, I don’t really do Twitter much so all of that Twitter action is lost on me. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I guess it’d be interesting to try and gauge how many of your followers on Twitter read the blog and vice versa. If there’s lots of redundancy, then I wouldn’t re-post. But if there’s NOT a lot redundancy, it might be worth cross-posting.

  • poohknit


    I don’t teitter but, I love reading your blog!!
    I started an ice crean scarf but, haven’t gotten it done yet due to having to make a couple of comfort shawls for a couple of friends who needed them. Also going to a knitting retreat the last weekend of the month and have to do mini class projects that I promised. I plan to work on them that weekend though.

  • Abby Normal


    heeheehee…sorry, that was a good thats what she said joke lol

  • Abby Normal


    Oh, and btw, I just bought your book last night and found this site today and would like to say that you are my hero lol
    *hugs*, Abby

  • Erin


    I don’t read twitter at all, I’d love to see more on your blog.

  • katy


    i don’t do twitter either – please cross post! i love reading your blog 🙂

  • I have a twitter account but never bother to read it – so don’t worry about repeating stuff – I wouldn’t know!

  • The cramped hand


    I’m a non Twitterer even though I have an account. It seems a waste of time to me.

  • oh and I don’t twitter, so your LJ, etsy and blog are my only forms of updates.

  • Sonya


    I follow you on Twitter, but I think some tweets can get lost throughout the day if I’m not online, so I definitely don’t think it hurts to post things there and here. I figure it’s better to err on the side of too much rather than not enough, right?

  • McKayla


    OMG it totally was not meeee! Hahahah, does that sound like something I would say? haaaah 🙂

  • Tish


    Blog more please!
    I don’t do Twitter anymore, so I only read your blog.
    I think even if people follow both your Twitter and blog, it would be nice if you did a link round-up once or twice a week of all the stuff you want to share. Or maybe a Twitter recap of your favorite/most popular/most important tweets. So we, your adoring fans, can see everything you have to say & share, even if we don’t Twitter.

  • Nhi


    I’m not a twitter-er so whenever a blog post of yours show up I get all excited~! So please keep blogging! :3

  • Robin Knight


    I don’t twitter, so repeating here is fine with me =) love your colorful blog!

  • mbc


    I have twitter but agree with the person who said if I’m not online, I miss some of what goes on. And fortunately I’m not obsessed with twitter enough to go back and read everything missed HAHA. But I love the blog and twitter updates are fun, too 😀

  • Cheri


    I don’t twitter and really enjoy reading your blog. Don’t worry too much about it… do what you enjoy!

  • Michelle


    I’m on Twitter, but really don’t check it much. So your blog would be the best place for me to catch up with you. I’d love to read anything you find interesting, so blog away about anything.

  • RachelM


    I can’t get enough of your blog, blog as much as you can!!! I don’t use twitter at all so it wouldn’t be a repeat to me! 🙂

  • Mac


    I vote for your blog! <3 I don't care for Twitter that much. 🙁

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