Leftover Pie

After every holiday, my mom usually sends us home with most of the leftovers, because we’re the only ones who will eat them!

Hairy already made a delicious turkey noodle soup a few dasy ago, and tonight he chucked the rest of the leftovers into this pie crust. And it was T-riffic!

4 Comments on “Leftover Pie”

  • Jacci


    Looks really good!
    Lucky you to have hairy as your cook :))

  • Marie


    I’m a vegetarian, but that looks nummylicious! My hubby cooks for me, too, and we are indeed lucky gals. :-}

  • Sylvette Marie


    Looks Yummy …Happy New Year Twinkie

  • Kinsey


    Yummo!! Looks delish! 🙂


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