Hurricane Etsy!!!

How does anyone keep their space clean after packing up their orders!? AHHHHH I have little bits of paper and labels and stickers and those plastic strips you pull off self-adhesive envelopes ALL OVER THE PLACE!!

My house needs to be film-crew-pretty on Wednesday morning! I’ll let you know why later, but I am kind of freaking out! Even if I get everything clean and hidden anyway, I’m just sad I haven’t invested time in decorating the place. I don’t even really know how. I am not really visual in that way. I know when something is ugly, but I don’t know how to make it pretty! Oh well! Hopefully the crew will just stay in the craft room, and the giant wall of yarn will distract from the fact that the opposite wall is completely BLANK.

At least we got my yarn swift up! It’s that spindly wooden thing next to the banana fabric-painting.

I’ll make a video of that in motion cuz it’s pretty darn cool. I wonder if I would ruin the swift by painting it!!!

At first, instead of the banana painting, I put up the lid of an old, super cheezy and cheap Valentine’s candy box, but for some reason it reminded me of a funeral wreath and freaked me out, so I took it down. Bummer. I still kinda like it!

I’m off to clean up my mess and do a little crocheting before I go to bed and wake up tomorrow to CLEAN THIS PLACE AHHHHHHHHHH. I wish I had some mini afghans to cover the tops of our chairs where Bunny likes to perch and turn the fabric BROWN. Yes, we have the chairs completely covered in blankets now, but it’s super ugly. I could maybe try to bust out something cute to cover the tops on my own, but I have like a kabillion other things to do. I’ll just put scarves over them! hahahha

20 Comments on “Hurricane Etsy!!!”

  • Your trillions of little peel-away envelope pieces and label-backings pretty much sums up the perpetual state of my non-existent floor.

    Except it is also shared by interesting gouache splatters and I am always too “busy” (what an awesome excu– I mean dilemma) to clean it!.

    Loving the rainbow wall of yarn.

    • I probably should invest in a larger garbage can…….

  • I LOVE the candy box lid but i can totally see the funeral wreath resemblence – i think if it was laying horizontal instead of hanging up it wouldnt creep you out as much 🙂 but then you couldnt see it so BLA! Ive been selling on etsy since 2006 and have no idea how to de-hurricane AAHCK! i finally just gave up a couple of years ago and now I embrace the hurricane….and never have people over BWAHAHAHA! We go visit instead of having visitors! 😛

    • I’d normally embrace the hurrican but I don’t want it on film! HAhahah

  • Maggi


    Ha! My craft space is like that and I don’t even have an Etsy shop, lol. I’m very intrigued to hear what the big filming news is, good luck getting everything ready!

    • IT’s not that big, it’s just kinda funny 🙂

  • chinamommy


    hmmmm…can’t wait to see what that swift does. i have the little plastic yarn winder like you have there, i love when i get the yarn wrapped in the gears when i’m not paying attention…

    • The swift holds the skein of yarn while you wind it into a ball 🙂

  • Sylvette Marie


    My room is the same thing today I have to clean to start doing some pretty dresses for my Brighette 🙂

    • I’m getting to the point where im gonna stuff everything in to the closets!

  • Jess


    i just keep a big old trashcan in my studio for all those adhesive strips things and paper clippings 😀 you could decorate a trashcan with a swinging lid to look like a monster with a flappy mouth so that it’d be cute for the filmy peoples 😀

  • Caz


    Your craft room is sweet! I wish mine was nearly as good as yours….not only is it not decorated its also like an icebox FAIL 😛

  • Janna Lynn


    Wow…I like Jess’s idea above about decorating a bin! 🙂 I am gonna do that for my scrap when making tops and skirts! I am sooo excited to find out why your having a film crew. Your place looks very cute,and I am sure the rainbow yarn bins against the wall will provide more than enough color! Have fun..not stress, Hearts, Janna Lynn

  • poohknit


    Whatever is going to happen sounds very exciting!!!!! Can’t wait to hear what it is!!!!! Good luck!!!

  • brandi


    I’ve taken over what used to be the dining room – and my desk… forget it. I can’t even see it for papers, yarn, coffee cups, diet coke cans, and God knows what else. The papers make it into the HUGE trash can beside my desk 🙂

  • Kellie


    may i just say…this crafting space makes me smile. its the cutest ever! i love all the yarn you have too. perfect!

    • Thanks! It makes me happy, too! It’s not quite right yet…but I’m close!

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