Come Crochet with Me this Sunday!

This Sunday, I will be at ImagiKnit from 4:00-5:00pm, giving a crochet cupcake demo/class/hangout times! Then at 5:00pm I’ll be signing books.

Please come visit at my most favorite yarn shop in the Bay Area. I could sit there and stare at yarn for hours!! YARN NERD!

Also, if you come in on Sunday and purchase a book from ImagiKnit, you will be automatically entered into a raffle to win a free Yummy You scarf!

If you’d like to sit with us and make a cupcake, please bring your hooks and some different fun cupcakey yarns. Of course you can also purchase hooks and yarn at ImagiKnit as well! If you have basic crochet questions, I am happy to answer those if I can as well!

Hope to see you there!!!

27 Comments on “Come Crochet with Me this Sunday!”

  • I’m going to recommend my gf that lives in San Fran and loves crochet to go.., if she gets a book and asks you to sign it for “Brandy”, thats ME!! yay!

    • That would be very cool if she went!! I’ve never taught a class or even had a craft-get-together before!

  • jessica


    all your posting and tweets are making me SOOOO bummed!! lol. I want to be in SanFran … not NEW JERSEY. There are NO fun yarny things going on here!!

    Have fun!

    • ๐Ÿ™ aww! Yeah, I wanna be like, “Take advantage, SF!!!” I hope it’s a good turn out!

    • Jaqi


      Yes, exactly! *Begins voodoo Magic* Come to NJ Twinkie!

    • jessica


      LOL. YES! We will try and make Twinkie appear on the east coast! TA-DA!!!

  • oh oh, I’ve meaning to ask you. Are you selling your 3D Cupcake frosting hair clips anywhere?? I would love to get my little hands on one…yikes, that didn’t sound creepers at allllll. ;(

    • I’m actually working on a batch to put up on Etsy ๐Ÿ™‚ They are scattered all over my coffee table!

      • do you have a release date? i JUST KNOW!! they are going to sell out in hours and i dont go on Etsy as much i used to. ๐Ÿ™ can i just go on a limb and reserve a pink one, if I pay now? (guessing there is going to be a pink one. hehe)

  • shelbi


    I’m actually going to be back in the Bay Area on Sunday! I’ll try my best to get over there so I can get my book signed. And it’d be pretty much the most amazing thing ever to get a chance to crochet with you. ^-^

    • EEee!! That would be so awesome!! It really is an amazing yarn store with all my favorite goodies. Hope you can make it, even just for the signing at 5:30! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Janna Lynn


    That is sooo cool that you do events like this…now if I could only find a way to lure you to the freezing beauty that is the middle of Michigan..lemme know if that voodoo magic in NJ works! Ha ha! Take Care, during Thanksgiving I’m planning to try some crocheting from you book, wish me luck! Hearts, Janna Lynn

    • Good luck!!!!! post pictures!! ๐Ÿ™‚
      I’m totally open to signing in other states if someone will fly me in! ๐Ÿ˜›

  • i’m with all of the other “this-is-bumming-me-out-sounds-SO-cool-but-i-live-in-the-wrong-part-of-the-country” people.

    have fun, girlie! the east side is obviously rooting for ya! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Maggi


    I so wish I could be there, crud! Have fun, I’m sure everyone will have a blast!

  • Amie


    Oh, why do I have to be english and live here in the grey rainy mosh pit where no crochet type fun thing ever happens?????? ๐Ÿ™

    P.s. Sorry for the massive question!!! Keep being amazing!

    • ๐Ÿ™‚

      I might be going to London in March. Wonder if someone will host a book signing or something somewhere!

      • Amie


        No way!! Are you really coming to blighty???!!!! if you had a book signing I would sooooo come, even if it meant I have to crawl!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • That looks so fun! I wish you could be visiting New York City so I could stop over. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I am going to try to do a craft show in NY in 2011 ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Michelle


    I have your book and I am having trouble making the frosting scallops! Please help!

    • What kind of help do you need? What is the trouble?

      • Michelle


        In the first row of the cupcake frosting what do the 1-7/8 mean?

        • Twinkie Chan!


          That’s just in reference to visually dividing the edge of that half-circle into 8ths, so you know where to put your 4 scallops. It’s just an imaginary line. Refer to the graphic on that page.

  • tomo


    your twitterใ€€followใ€€now(^_-)-โ˜†

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