Today’s Workspace: prepping goodie bags for my booksigning!

I’m making mini yarn balls out of delicious handspun yarn to put in my goodie bags for my book signing on Tuesday at Booksmith in the Haight!
Please come check it out at 7:30pm!

Not only will I have goodie bags for everyone while supplies last, but I’ll have a mini slide show, a rare Yummy You pop-up shop if you want to purchase Yummy You goods, and also we’ll be raffling off three different Yummy You scarves! I think you will get a free raffle ticket with a purchase of my book from Booksmith.

We’ll have lots and lots of fun! Come say hi!

The next morning, Hairy and I will be driving to L.A. where I’ll have a signing on Wednesdsay in L.A. at Urban Craft Center on their Etsy night! And then Friday night I’ll be signing at Stories Cafe, also in L.A.

Remember for all my book tour dates, please check out!

22 Comments on “Today’s Workspace: prepping goodie bags for my booksigning!”

  • Delicious yarn, indeed! Good luck with everything and I hope it all goes smoothly 🙂

    (Your book is totally on my Christmas wishlist!)

    • Well, on my WishPot list and I shamelessly begged my Mom on Facebook. I don’t think I’ve begged this hard for a Christmas present since the Spice Girls dolls came out.

  • Sheralynn


    Oooooh! So who handpainted and spun the yarn? 😀

    • A bunch of different sellers on Etsy!

  • Marie


    Dang, I’m so bummed you don’t have any east coast dates on your book-signing tour! I will look forward to seeing and hearing about the west coast dates, and living vicariously through those lucky people who go home with a gift bag! :-}

    • If the gift bags seem like a hit, I might make more to sell on Etsy as little mystery boxes? I dunno!

  • Rachael


    Wish I could be there- my copy of the book arrived today and now I just have to actually teach myself to crochet a bit better so I can tackle the salad scarf I’ve always coveted.

    • There’s a ton of video tutorials these days that I think can really help!

      • Rachael


        Definitely! I found a good one on shell stitch AND started the scarf. Hopefully it will be done sometime in the next millennium, given how slow I am. I swear, knitting is so much easier for me than crochet… but this makes it worth learning. 🙂

  • Sylvette Marie


    I will – 7:30 7:30 7:30 im goin to remember LOL

  • poohknit


    Oh have a wonderful time!!!! I know it will be super fun!!!!! I’m in WI, a bit far for me to come but, if you come this way give me a jingle!
    I picked the first scarf to make for me….the candy button scarf!!!! Loved those as a kid and still do!!!!

    • I always get such a fun response from people over the Candy Button scarf at my trade show booth!! Ohhhhh but be prepared for all the ends you will have to weave in! AHHH

  • Cupcake Unicorn


    If only I wasn’t in the UK…

    • 🙁 IF someone flies me out, I might ! 🙂 Actually we might visit London in the spring. I wonder if any shop would have me!

  • Jules Chan


    Cool see you there : )

    • Aw, I’m so excited you’ll come!! you can pick up a gift baggie for my favorite crocheter!

  • Cupcake Unicorn


    They should be climbing over themselves to get you 🙂 Hobby Craft stores should be a good bet, they often have various events on.

  • chinamommy


    dang, wish you were coming to MI!! But for your sake, I’m glad you aren’t… it’s cold & gray here-yuck!
    Anyway, best wishes for an awesome book signing- I think that makes you an official BIG WIG! 🙂

  • Jules Chan


    Oh no, was gonna come with your favourite crocheter, he’s so excited, but now his mum needs to go off somewhere at 7.30 instead, can we bring him at 7 instead, will you be too busy setting up?
    Jules x

    • Aw, oh no! I will be there at 7 but it might be a little crazy with setting up. I’m not sure, since it’s my first event! Maybe set-up will be quick 🙂

  • Jules Chan


    Dont worry, we’ll work it out, good luck with everything beforehand : )

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