I need to organize my stuff!

That is just one shelf in the craft room. I really need to channel the organizational gods to make my space look prettier. I don’t even want to show you my small craft table yet. It is literally holding a PILE of important papers, random office supplies, my crocheted cookie blanket, and I don’t even know what!!!

Life has felt very cupcake-oriented the past few days. That can’t be bad, right?

This weekend I am finishing The Secret Project, and then next week I am going to focus on getting my Etsy shop open and stuffed with goodies!

I want to see a movie this weekend!! Have you seen one recently that you really liked? We were thinking about the Virginity Hit and the Joaquin Phoenix fake documentary.

21 Comments on “I need to organize my stuff!”

  • zambicandy


    That shelf is so adorable and organized *____* ughg I love it. May I put it on tumblr and link back to your blog???


    • Of course!!!!

      OMG you should see the rest of the room. IT’s a disaster!

  • There is nothing wrong with being cupcake-oriented, however, I may be a little biased…

    Anxious to find out what “The Secret Project” is!

    I think I need to start going to coffee houses just so I can use one of those cupcake cozies.

    I’d go with the Virginity Hit (lol), I have no idea what the Joaquin Phoenix fake documentary is.

    • Did you see the Virginity Hit yet

      I have no idea how secret the secret project is cuz I see other people talking about theirs….. I’ll find out! hHeheh

  • Cate


    I think we both may have a case of cupcake-itis I seem to be crafting a lot of cupcakes to recently!

    I love how you’re organizing everything all my stuff is just in plastic boxes piled in the corner of a room. I would love to dedicate one of my rooms to crafting and cutify it xoxo

    • Um, I have plastic boxes all and cardboard boxes all over the place, too. I have too much stuff!

    • I read this first really quickly as “I think we both may have a case of cupcake-tits”…my mind is clearly in the gutter…

      • Cate


        haha now i have an image of a cupcake bra in my head LoL!

  • jennifer


    lol better than me my entire bedroom has been eaten by the craft golbins

    and one can never have enough cupcakes…though this now makes me want muffins more and more to eat

    • I feel you. It used to be gobbling up my living room!

  • Caz


    Your craft space is soooo cute! Mine is….plain and boring *sigh*. Id liek to help with film chices but we always get films way late over here!!! DOH!

  • my words of advice…go to Target, in the kids storage section…stock up. Neon and pastel colors in fun affordable shapes!

  • stephanie


    oh man, i shouldn’t have read this, awesome tip on the target stuff XD

    also i have those same little ikea jars! i keep all my ibuprofen, tums, and other medicines in them because it’s way cuter that way and i’m kind of a spaz πŸ˜€

    • Mine are empty. I was like THESE ARE SO CUTE I MUST HAVE and then realized they are kind of small for my craft needs. We’ll see! πŸ˜›

  • Moni


    I cant wait to get my hands on a cupcake cozie!! tooo cute

    • πŸ™‚ we are workin on it! πŸ˜›

  • Taleena


    I live at home with my parents still so my bed room has to house all my books, yarny goodness, tools, and all my other hobbies. Plus clothes and my bed so I’m super crammed.

    Put buttons in the jars! <3
    Target is like crack!
    I'd suggest The Social Network. It was awesome uber dramatic and the music is awesome. I dowloaded the cd from amazon when it was on sale before I even saw it and I love it. πŸ˜€

    I'm curious to see how you organize your yarn? o..o You should post that, (or post it when they get organized since you just moved) XD
    I'm thinking about getting one of those long plastic drawer type things I saw at walmart to put mine in but I'm debating it.
    Your shelf is so super cute and I love the pink!

    • HI yes! I totally planned to put buttons in the jars. I have 6 more jars! πŸ˜› I want to take the buttons off their paper backing first and then just sort them by rainbow!

      Thank you for the social network rec! We didnt end up seeing any movie yet, so I still hope to see it!

      I will def show you how I organize my yarn later, but yeah, that room still is a messs! πŸ˜›

      I use tall CD shelves from IKEA.

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