Comic Con!! Bear Love!!

This is Lady GoodForYou and me. This is at a Denny’s in San Diego at about 2 or 3 in the morning. We know how to party. She made this animated gif. I take no responsibility for it!

I DO take responsibility for this video I am about to post. I look like an ogre and K looks like a cute little woodland creature. I do not look good in head coverings, and I’m hiding two big bows and 3 ponytails under there! Lady GoodForYou and I had planned to wear matching Rilakkuma outfits for the one day we met up in San Diego (she lives in Hawaii). On that day, I felt kind of sick and thought I was going to barf. Then I put on my Rilakkuma matching shortyshorts and felt too gross and fat to wear shorts in public. I txtd her and told her that I would not be showing up 40% naked. Besides, it was real hot inside the convention center, and I couldn’t wear the hoodie all day anyway or else my armpits would explode. So we both ditched the shorts.

Okay, enough talk!! Let’s get to the video!!!!

As for the rest of the conference: I would say that I expected the worst and ended up having an okay time. YES, it is crowded in there. YES it does sometimes smell like farts in there. But Manda, Hairy and I had a good time tooling around and buying some crap, even though none of us read comics at all.

We ran into Shrinkle and Kevin, and also Michelle and Yume Ninja and Chloe and probably a bunch of other peeps I can’t recall right now. Good times! We also went to Disneyland the next day, but it was really hot, and I didn’t feel much like taking photos or videos. I know there are some pics on Shrinkle’s camera of the partial meeting of the Big Headed Asians club, but we’ll have to wait for those to surface!

Here’s one day at Comic Con through my eyes!

24 Comments on “Comic Con!! Bear Love!!”

  • Those hoodies are cute!!! I’ve also officially decided that since I now live on the west coast I *MUST* go to San Diego Comicon next year. Too much fun to pass up, plus my coolest cousins are in San Diego!

    • I thought that one day would be enough, but if you are only there for one day, you really have to cram it all in really fast!

  • Didi


    AAAAAAAAHAHA lets re-do that video me and you! HAHA total different outcome. Your face is priceless as you swing her through the air xoxox

    • I bought some other crazy outfits for me and Manda but we have yet to execute a retarded video!

  • Jaco


    I think your outfits were very cute 🙂 No fat ogres in that video at all!

    Love and Turtledoves,

  • Remi


    OMG where did you get the hoodie that you’re wearing in that GIF? I love it!!

    • The brand is So So Happy and they are sold out of Hot Topic 😉

    • Denisha


      Dag nabbit good stuff you whippesranppres!

  • The vid’s were fun, and I saw no ogers at all. Ahh if I could only look as pretty as you…

    • Eyeliner, hairspray, photoshop!! 😉 😉 xoxo

  • haha, awww and I didnt go…next year next year.

    • I wonder if it’ll still be in San Diego next year!

  • Hannah May


    So jealous, Twinkie you always have the most exciting adventures. I think that I may be in love with Shrinkle’s dress

    • You can’t go wrong with ruffles!

  • Kt


    OHMYGOD! I am so jealous of Hairy, he got to pose inside the Boba Fett box!! I am OBSESSED with Boba Fett!! Looks like you guys had an awesome time, the most exciting thing I get to do this week is go to Six Flags, yaaaaaaaaaay

    • I LOVE ROLLERCOASTERS!!! And junk food!

  • zambicandy


    ohhhh you got to meet Chloe! Thats so cool 😀 Someday I’ll go to comic con. You dress so cute I can never get over how adorable you always look!

    • Zam zam i don’t think you realize how cute you always dress, too!

  • Shorty


    I’ve wondered what ComiCon is like… my husband went a few years back, but I’ve never been. He would love to pose as a Star Wars action figure! Too funny! We always say we’re going to make it one year, but alas we are procrastinating! Thanks for sharing your experience!

    • It’s definitely interesting to see at least once!

  • San Smith


    WHoah – the boba fett action figure box thing was super neat – I’d love to do hop in one of those for photos. And I love your Rilakkuma hoodies! That video of you two hugging was hilarious hahha

  • Courtney


    I do not even know how I found your blog but I love to read your experiences. You remind me so much of me and what I think but don’t usually say ..I should though !! lol ..also love your stuff you have inspired me to learn how to crochet some kawaii things hopefully soon !!

    • Hi Courtney!

      I figure you only live once… so do it up!! 😉

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