This is Lady GoodForYou and me. This is at a Denny’s in San Diego at about 2 or 3 in the morning. We know how to party. She made this animated gif. I take no responsibility for it!
I DO take responsibility for this video I am about to post. I look like an ogre and K looks like a cute little woodland creature. I do not look good in head coverings, and I’m hiding two big bows and 3 ponytails under there! Lady GoodForYou and I had planned to wear matching Rilakkuma outfits for the one day we met up in San Diego (she lives in Hawaii). On that day, I felt kind of sick and thought I was going to barf. Then I put on my Rilakkuma matching shortyshorts and felt too gross and fat to wear shorts in public. I txtd her and told her that I would not be showing up 40% naked. Besides, it was real hot inside the convention center, and I couldn’t wear the hoodie all day anyway or else my armpits would explode. So we both ditched the shorts.
Okay, enough talk!! Let’s get to the video!!!!
As for the rest of the conference: I would say that I expected the worst and ended up having an okay time. YES, it is crowded in there. YES it does sometimes smell like farts in there. But Manda, Hairy and I had a good time tooling around and buying some crap, even though none of us read comics at all.
We ran into Shrinkle and Kevin, and also Michelle and Yume Ninja and Chloe and probably a bunch of other peeps I can’t recall right now. Good times! We also went to Disneyland the next day, but it was really hot, and I didn’t feel much like taking photos or videos. I know there are some pics on Shrinkle’s camera of the partial meeting of the Big Headed Asians club, but we’ll have to wait for those to surface!
Here’s one day at Comic Con through my eyes!