Pick Your Friend’s Nose!

Hairy said, “Hey, come over here and look at this,” and it turned out that Bibi had a piece of yarn sticking our of her nose.

Occupational hazard: YARN GETS EVERYWHERE. Even in your dog’s nose.

I wanted to see if I could capture the yarn blowing around with her breath, but I didn’t get any excellent footage with my phone cam!! Bibi vids of any sort are a must anyway:

Also here is a shot of Bunny and Bibi, chillaxin in the kitchen:

Now we are off to Tiffany and Daniel’s casa for movie night. I am going to eat all their Trader Joe’s snaxxx.

10 Comments on “Pick Your Friend’s Nose!”

  • Gosh I know all about that! My cat Jeans eats yarn, and I’ve had to deal with it in *much* worse places that a nose… He’s learned his lesson though, I haven’t seen him eat any recently!


  • Poor guy! lol He was probably sniffing around when the yarn flew up his nose. I’m not sure if that would be considered uncomfortable though since yarn is so soft.
    In the photo it looks like a long snotty booger. Yuck! 😛

  • Zoe


    HA! My cat almost epoxied her face to a clay project I had been putting together…not long after I noticed a dried paint blob on her forehead when I picked her up to pet her. Heh.

  • Awwwwww!! Your dogs are so cute! Animals + crafting always = Shenanigans!!! The minute I lay fabic out to sew both my cats sit on it and the littest one likes to steal pins and dump them in her water bowl or other silly places around the house. They are just too ridiculous.

    • Oh my gosh, Bunny the little dog, LOVES to eat SHINY LITTLE THINGS, and if I accidentally drop a pin anywhere, she wants to EAT IT!!! So bad!

  • Michelle


    LOL! That was too cute. LOL! And your girls are just precious. Can’t wait until I can have dogs of my own. 🙂 Until I live through you and your girls. 😉

  • Emily


    LOL!! I can’t believe that big yarn fluff was hangin’ off her nose and she didn’t care!!!!!

  • calypso


    your dogs are so sweets !

    • TwinkieChan


      😀 yes, they are very nice when they want to be! 🙂

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