Wanna try Zazzle.com? I’ve got discount codes!

****** I ran all out of codes!!! Thank you so much for your interest and support!!!

My brother works at Zazzle.com and is offering you guys some gift codes! You can either buy tshirts, mugs, skate decks, shoes, etc etc, that other people have designed, or you can design your own!

The first code is $20 off when you spend at least $20. This code would be good only for this Cyber Monday, 11/30, before midnight PST!
Sorry, I already gave out 30 of these codes and am all out!

The other code is $10 off when you spend at least $10, and this code will last until 12/31.

If you are interested, please leave a comment ASAP with an email address!!! I have 20 of each to give away and will email you your codes :). Remember to respond quickly for the $20 one because again that is ONLY GOOD ON MONDAY!

26 Comments on “Wanna try Zazzle.com? I’ve got discount codes!”

  • Melissa Decou


    I would love to have the $20 discount and twinky you’re the most adorable girl i’ve ever seen <33


    • Aw, thanks, Melissa! ๐Ÿ˜› I’m emailing you your code now!

  • Valerie


    I’d like a 20 dollar code. I’ve been looking at that site for a while but haven’t had the guts to order anything yet.

  • Valerie


    Oops. Wrong email. Tmail not gmail.

    • Gotcha! I’m figuring out with my brother the best way to send out all the codes since he has them. Maybe he’ll just give them all to me on a list. NOt sure. I will email soon!

    • Yes! Someone on Facebook just linked me to that, too. I told her that I’d seen a lot of crocheted/knit food, but that this guy’s work really has its own odd and unique feel.

  • Nurie


    I am definitely interested in the $20 one, if it’s still avaliable! Thanks! I’ve been an admirer of you and your work for a long time now. :3

    • Aw, thanks for the sweet note!!! My brother still needs to get the codes to me, but I will email you ASAP!

  • paulie


    oooooh id love to try it…$20 my way pwease miss twinks ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Charlotte


    I’d like a coupon code please! [:

  • San Smith


    This is so awesome of you! If any of the codes are left, I’m interested! I’ve been itching to order something with them! ๐Ÿ™‚ san (at) san-smith.com

  • I’d like both codes because I’m not sure if I will have money for this one so I’d still like a shot at the second one.

  • Theresa


    I would love a $20 coupon Twinkie-chan:)
    Thank you!

  • Robyn


    i love your blog! i’d love a coupon code if you have any left please. (i think you are one of the raddest gals ever….there, i said it!)

  • Hey! I’d love the $20 code if that’s still available, but if it’s not, the ten dollar code would be stellar as well!

    Ima buy everything you make, it’s so freaking adorable!

  • Shirley


    Id like a 20$ code pretty please with knitted sprinkles on top.

    • I’m sorry, I ran out of the $20 one!!! I still have a few $10 ones if you like?

  • Morient


    I’d like a $20 code if you still have any ๐Ÿ™‚


    Thank you!

    • Hi, I’m sorry I ran out of the $20 codes. Do you still want the $10?

      • Morient


        Sure ๐Ÿ™‚ That would be great


  • Tati


    Hey! I would love a code if you still have them!!! I LOVE your work! I’m a chef so i LOVE food, you’re so clever!!!

  • Sophie


    I’m interested!

  • KM


    I’d love the $10 code please, thank you!

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