This weekend we saw Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in RealD 3D. The movie was really cute. How could I not like it? It’s filled with GIANT FOOD!! We took a pic with the three of us in our 3D glasses but (A) they kind of look like our normal selves with our normal glasses and (B) we think that Manda has the pics on her phone! But I didn’t think the 3D effect was as good in this movie as when we watched My Bloody Valentine in RealD.
When I said on Twitter that I don’t really like watching animated movies, I felt like I had just said Santa Claus didn’t exist. It reminded me of the time I mentioned that I don’t actually like eating the frosting on cupcakes, and the internet gasped. It’s true, I refuse to watch Lilo and Stitch to this day. I have no idea why. I think it has to do with that I think they made her eyes too far apart or something….ANYWAY!!!
We also celebrated my dad’s birthday by going to Broadway Prime for prime rib. I thought it would be neat to make him home-made spicy beef jerky since he likes super spicy stuff, so Hairy made (what I am told) is incredible Thai Spicy Jerky!!! (It’s too spicy for me to try!) I think it was a hit, though, and I’m excited to try to formulate a Hamburger-flavored jerky!
I never remember to bring my point and shoot anywhere, so these pics from dinner are from Hairy’s iPhone!!
It was served with popovers (yum!), a choice of potatoes ( most of us got the garlic mash), and a choice of creamy corn or creamy spinach. I got the spinach, but it was ALL CREAM AND NO SPINACH. I couldn’t eat it. It was like eating spoonfuls of butter with some green flecks inside of it.
Tonight, while Hairy was out, I finished off the rest of my prime rib with my hands. I admit, that when I eat alone, at home, I usually eat REALLY fast and REALLY gross!!!! There’s no time to linger. There’s other stuff to do!!! LIKE MAKE STUPID VIDEO CLIPS! I didn’t even bother to warm up the meat. But that’s ok… it was easier to pry off the cubes of FAT!