I’d heard that many people were excited that Elnett Hairspray would be available again. Apparently it was banned in the United States for 20 years because it killed the ozone layer, so people would smuggle it back to the states from Europe. The hold was supposed to be incredible, and every superstar’s secret for giant hair.
It is now available at Target. The formula is not exactly the same as before, and apparently it is a bit heavier due to a higher water content, but people still seem to be pumped that this hairspray is back.
I wanted to buy a small can to see how it compared with my all-time favorite: Bed Head Hard Head.
Now, I am probably looking for hairsprays with WAY MORE hold than most people need on a daily basis. My hair is really coarse, and heavy, and just wants to lay flat and straight. I damage it to kingdom come and put all kinds of product in it, just so I can get it big and fluffy and messy. And I need a powerful hold to keep all that messiness up, or else it will fall down flat in 30 minutes again. Most sprays that say they have super hold just make my hair crispy, but still flat. I think the water contents are too high to keep my hair fluffy. Aqua Net is pretty good, and not watery, but the hold is still not enough to last me through the day.
Bed Head Hard Head seriously does the trick. I can break crackers with my hair, the hold is so good. (Ahaha, actually I did this yesterday when I accidentally bumped my cracker through my hair and crumbs started falling into my lap.) But it also feels pretty dry when it sprays on, so it doesn’t weigh my hair back down. I was zazzed when my Safeway was carrying it for a hot minute, but now I have to track it down again at various beauty supply stores.
Ultimately, my thoughts on Elnett are: the hold IS good! It’s an excellent alternative to my Hard Head. HOWEVER, IT IS STEEENKY!!!!!! I was suffocating myself (and Bibi) while getting it in my hair. I figured this smell would fade out after the spray dried, but I still feel like I can smell a heavy, perfumey, yucky stench around my head. I am not digging that.
I will be sticking with my Bed Head Hard Head. Sorry, Ellnet!