Preview of the Twinkie ChanBurger tee! I have to wait to affix the lettuce bows, and I’m not quite sure yet how I want to attach them, be it sewn on permanently, or pinned with safety pins for removal.
Sometimes when I have t-shirts with pins, I just don’t put the pins back on. But if people didn’t put the bows back on, their burger would be lettuce-less and naked!!!!
If I sew them in, I think it will all lay more neatly, but then people would DEFINITELY have to handwash their tee, and people probably think that is a pain in the rear, although, I have bought t-shirts that said dry clean only!
Some people on Twitter suggested snaps. I like that idea, but (a) I don’t really have time to sew on 40 snaps before Saturday, and (b) I’m afraid you’d be able to see the snap behind the bow.
I’ll keep thinking on it and decide tomorrow!
Here is a salad cowl I made for the fair. There is a light green one and a dark green one. Wish I had time to make more, but now I have to focus on booth design and promotional materials!
I got my hair cut and colored today at Dekko and while Jules was twirling my hair and making it big, she said, “I’m making you look like a crazy cow! Don’t Twitter this!!” HAhaha! Okay, I HAD TO MENTION IT!!!
Uh, this is what I look like now.
Sometimes when you are busy, you just need to get all the hair out of your face and put on your pajama pants.