‘Kay, this is really random, but on Saturday we ended up going to a shooting range with my dad, his friend, my bro, and his lady, and my bro’s friend. This is not really a normal activity for us. I went once, a couple years ago, and I did shoot a gun. I was really bad at hitting the target, so I kind of just gave up. This time, I crocheted the whole time and was afraid I was embarrassing everybody! I’m a pew-pew party-pooper! Hairy was a sport and shot all manner of guns even tho it seemed to kind of go against his political/personal thoughts on gun control. At any rate, I don’t mean to start up a big discussion about guns, etc. This is just what we happened to end up doing, and, in a weird way, the whole scene was funny to me because it was just such an odd picture, to see people I know with real weapons!
Here’s a short video clip of Hairy and me walking down the hill toward the range. I didn’t take any video of anyone actually shooting. I was afraid the super loud noise would kill my camera’s mic or something…!
Mando “let’s take a pic of ourselves” pic:
Hairy and my Bro:
Hairy with a scary gun:
Hairy with a scarier gun:
Hairy with ammo in his butt:
That shot was especially gangsta.
My sister in law. She’s also an attorney, so stay on her good side.
I spent the rest of the weekend crocheting cake tissue boxes. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your opinions and feedback on the sprinkles!
I did not make an official tally for sprinkles vs sprinkles votes….but it really feels quite evenly split. I’ve been toying with a few alternative sprinkle methods, but I have not yet affixed any sprinkles….I am going to complete all the boxes, and then take a step back and re-assess! They are almost all done now, except for whipped cream and cherries, since I ran out of yarn and need to go to the store tomorrow.
Tonight we also went to Loew’s to buy some plexiglass and get it cut, in order to create an extra shelf inside the vintage fridge for more display area. Also a tap light so it won’t be super dark in there!!
Things are slowly shaping up. I can’t believe how much I let this fair take up my life! haha!! Afterward, I am going to be knee-deep in writing my pattern book, since it’s due in October! At least I think it is….I haven’t officially signed any contracts yet. We wrote some notes on the contract and I haven’t heard anything back yet. This is par for the course, tho. Contracts can take forever, and I’ve seen situations where people have delivered their manuscripts before even signing anything, and then they get their signing and delivery payment all at once!
Monday will be all about finishing the tissue boxes, making more cute-tility packs and maybe another ice cream scarf, and trying to plan out my booth more. I don’t even have an actual table yet!!!!!! Also I need to buy doggie food! They ran out of everything all at once. This means a potential triple-digit purchase. Babies are expensive, but I heart them!