New Product Preview: Throw Pillows!

I went over to my parents’ yesterday to get help from my mom for this crafty project!

Usually I go bug Manda about my sewing needs, but I feel like she has a lot of her own sewing projects on her plate now, so I hit up Mama Chan. She claims to not sew very well, espesh clothing, but she sure whips up a mean couch-cover from her own pattern!

Here’s a peek of what we made. Next time I order my fabric from Spoonflower, I will make the images bigger. We felt that the pillows were a bit on the small side. At least I have my colors locked down now, so I can go crazy with my fabric orders!! Due to certain boo-boos on my part…there won’t be very many pillows at Renegade. There will be 4 kinds: tater tots, pickle jars, ketchup bottles, and hot dog packs. If people seem to like them, I will print out more varieties of foods. If they are a big flop, then I’ll just make a set for myself!!! πŸ˜›

32 Comments on “New Product Preview: Throw Pillows!”

  • Mara


    I must have those pillows, stat! And I’d better try Spoonflower now πŸ˜€

    • πŸ˜›

      I was discovering how everything was the same color when I wanted to draw a bunch. I have to work around that!! Everything was brown and green!!!

  • San Smith


    ahhh, these are so cute!!!

  • QBug


    Veeery cute!

  • Mary C.


    Those are the cutest little pickles I’ve ever seen haha

    • Let’s try to think of something that is not cute if you put a smiley, sleepy face on it! πŸ˜›

      • Mary C.


        Hmmm, that is a tough one… bills? I used to put wiggle eyes and mouths on all of my art supplies in college. I had the coolest T-square around.

  • Vero


    Your awesome tater tots pillow reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite! LOVE IT!

  • abySweets


    If they go on sale, id def buy… =) if I lived in cali, near cali or had money/time to travel to cali, id so go to ur booth @ the fair & purchase stuffies..sigh..

    • it looks like i will definitely make more after the fair and post on etsy!

  • Cacauate


    OMG those are so cute Twinkie! I would so buy one!

    • aw thanks! i really appreciate the feedback!

  • Jules Chan


    Dont you have 2days of fair to cover? Right? Looks like they’ll all be gone by Sunday if thats the case?

    • Yep, we’ve got two days there! It’s hard to predict how much will sell on the first day or not. I tend to be conservative and self-deprecating, so I always imagine taking home a bunch of stuff after fairs!

  • Vicki


    Gah!! I would soooooo buy the pickle pillow! Too cute!

  • These are beautiful pieces I love them. And that is great that you can create your own fabric. I never knew! I think these will be a big hit!

    • I hope so!!! Then at least I can have the excuse to design and make more!

  • Kimi


    I want some!

    You should consider making some cute pillows for those of us who have pampered pooches. πŸ™‚

    • I’d have to figure out an economical way to make the covers removable and washable πŸ˜›

  • Mike


    I don’t even like pickles but I’d totally but that pillow! The Ketchup and Tater Tots would be really cool together since that is what most people eat with Tater Tots, well, I do anyways πŸ˜›

    I wanna set!!

    • actually, that’s a really good point!!!

  • Kristin


    PLEASE sell these on etsy πŸ™‚ I love them!

  • Jaymi


    Sooo cute!

    So, I’m a big fan of your stuff and think you are super adorable! I’m also selling at Renegade and was looking forward to seeing you there…and well, what do ya know, my booth is directly across from yours! I couldn’t believe it!

    I look forward to meeting you and snagging up some of your stuff! Can’t wait to see what you do with that amazing vintage fridge.


    • OOh! Booth neighbors!!! You will get to witness what a noob I am at fairs and displays!!!! Honestly, the fridge has gotten no love since we got it inside the house. Hopefully we’ll have at least a little bit of time to plan with it a bit!!! See you there!!!

  • Michelle


    I so want these! And I so want to start designing things for my own fabric at Spoonflower. I have an account, just haven’t used it yet. Very excited to now. πŸ™‚ Something tells me these will be a hit at your show. πŸ™‚

    • I also had an account forever and never knew what to make!!!

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