I went over to my parents’ yesterday to get help from my mom for this crafty project!
Usually I go bug Manda about my sewing needs, but I feel like she has a lot of her own sewing projects on her plate now, so I hit up Mama Chan. She claims to not sew very well, espesh clothing, but she sure whips up a mean couch-cover from her own pattern!

Here’s a peek of what we made. Next time I order my fabric from Spoonflower, I will make the images bigger. We felt that the pillows were a bit on the small side. At least I have my colors locked down now, so I can go crazy with my fabric orders!! Due to certain boo-boos on my part…there won’t be very many pillows at Renegade. There will be 4 kinds: tater tots, pickle jars, ketchup bottles, and hot dog packs. If people seem to like them, I will print out more varieties of foods. If they are a big flop, then I’ll just make a set for myself!!! π