We are the proud owners of a vintage fridge! We drove to Pleasanton last week to pick this up and use it for a display unit for the craft fair.
Hairy thought of paying for a storage unit for a month to put the fridge in, and then selling the fridge after the fair. But I suggested we just put it in the downstairs bathroom for now instead of paying for storage. Now we have the weirdest bathroom ever. It was already ugly (pea green walls and purple tile!) but now there’s an old fridge AND a Dora the Explorer pinata in it!!! (The pinata is a gift from my manager dude. He swung by last weekend with his supercute daughter Hayley McMuffin and he said he got the Dora pinata for me to customize into a Twinkie pinata!) Hairy says the Dora pinata has front-butt.
It’s in pretty good condition. Apparently it was repainted at some point, but there is till kind of a dent in the door and some rusting. It needs some stickers removed and some TLC, but it will be a cute way to hold the foodie scarves for events. I kind of want to keep it and use it to store clothes upstairs, but I’m afraid it will start to smell in there. Plus, it’s really heavy and nobody is going to want to haul it upstairs into the bedroom!
There was kind of a huge rigmarole involving this fridge for the first 48 hrs. Let’s just say, 10,000 spiders & beetles, egg sacs, a blackwidow, a whole can of RAID, asbestos, hissing tubes, and compressed frothy white oil all over the garage floor. It was really scary for a hot minute!
Even though it is shorter than I am and has had some heavy stuff removed from its guts, it’s still really heavy, and it will be interesting to move this thing around in the next 2 weeks!!!