I can’t remember if I ever posted info for the fair!
It’s July 18-19, in Fort Mason here in San Francisco. Here is a link to the Renegade site.
I went to this fair last year as a shopper/visitor, and I was AMAZED at how many vendors there were! So Much stuff!!! Bring lots of cash!!! We ran out!
Manda and I will be at booth 92, which will be nearish to the frontish.
I’m starting to feel like there are 12 stages of planning for a craft fair. At first I felt anxious, then I felt relaxed (about having plenty of time to make stuff for my table), then I was in denial (about having no time to make stuff for my table), then I was FREAKED THE EFF OUT, and now I’m excited. I wonder what tomorrow will bring! Probably more freak-the-eff-out before this event is done.
Please come say hi. If all plans turn out well, I will have a really cool booth display, and LOTS of new, fun items!