On Saturday, Hairy drove down to the Peninsula with me to pick up some yarn from Los Altos. I had called all around the city and nobody had Plymouth Encore worsted weight in bright yellow!!!! So we went down there and also visited Manda to drop off her prezzies from Europe. I got her three French fashion/lifestyle magazines, a fancy jar of peas (joke, but she really does eat canned peans with mayo!), and fancy dark chocolates.
Afterward, we drove back up to the city to walk the pups and buy foods for dinner. Hairy made a yummy salad and a little bit of pasta. Then we stopped by the Comet Club in the Marina to say hi to Michelle who was promoting Sailor Jerry rum. I have decided I definitely am not a rum and coke girl! I was already feeling tired around midnight, but the Comet Club was still an amusing place. I really want to take Manda. I think she would like it. I am always fascinated by the way people act at clubs, when dudes grind on girls, when everyone acts silly. Good people watching!
Hairy drank three rum & cokes and then Michelle and I visited the photobooth. I never know what to do with myself in one. I think it’s clear that “grumpy face” is a go-to.